She points to the receipt. “That amount doesn’t fully cover it. I can’t put a price on what I experienced with you.”
My lips part as I get ready to protest, and she places her finger on my lips. Her touch nearly singes me, and I crave her so deeply it hurts. The hint of her perfume surrounds me, and I want to brush my scruff against the softness of her neck and smell her sweet skin, then run my fingers through her brown hair. But I don’t. I keep my hands, lips, and thoughts to myself.
“You once told me that a person shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth, and you had to explain what that meant. I added it to my Texas lexicon. And considering you taught me the meaning, I don’t need to explain it to you.” She glances at me with kind but sad eyes. “Please accept this. It’s not charity. Just think of it as a rich, snobby girl overpaying for your hospitality for two weeks, okay?”
A small smile plays on my lips, and I shake my head. “Sure thing, Stubborn Susan.”
“You’re damn right. So it’s settled, then.” She lets out a relieved breath. “A woman who once fell in love with you also taught you about boundaries. And I won’t be the one to walk all over yours. Being this close to you and not touching you is very difficult for me, and I know it’s not easy for you.”
“It’s not,” I say. It’s harder than I think she knows.
“Your feelings are valid. Like I said before, I’ll always, always regret hurting you, but I think what we both need right now is time. When and if you want to see me again, I’ll be waiting for you, Jake Jolly.” She sucks in a deep breath and writes something on her slip of paper. As she stands, she throws it in the fire. “Hopefully, I’ll see you around town.”
“You’re not rushing back to New York on your daddy’s private jet?”
She gives me a small laugh. “I don’t fly private. Too much fanfare. And no, I’m not leaving any time soon. I bought a house a few blocks from Main Street on Candy Cane Lane. I found magic here with you, and I want to lean into that more.”
This news comes as a shock, and I’m not sure what to say. My expression probably says it all because I know no houses were on the market. And usually, when there are, they don’t last long. “What? How?”
“I made an offer, and the owners couldn’t refuse it. Take care of yourself, JJ.” Claire waves and then walks away. I’m not able to take my eyes off her as she moves past the fire and fades into the crowd.
She’s brave to show her face, with so many locals knowing what she did. But then again, if she’s a Manchester, she’s used to being treated that way, something I never wanted to do but something I’m guilty of, too. She’s a good woman, compassionate, and not the villain the internet makes her out to be. It hurts my heart that she subjected herself to those vile things. I read them, knowing most of it wasn’t true but wondering if I was wrong about her. I wasn’t, though.
The Claire I got to know is the real version of her. Not the act.
As I look down at the receipt, my hands shake. It’s almost like I’ve won the lottery, like I’m one of the luckiest people in the world, even after everything I’ve been through. None of this feels real, and I’m shocked by the whirlwind of emotions, from finding out Mawmaw didn’t have enough money to cover the taxes to Lacy weirdly begging me back, to Claire moving to Merryville.
Am I living in the twilight zone? Is this some odd alternative reality that I’ve fallen into?
“Unbelievable,” I whisper, almost tempted to pinch myself and make sure I’m not dreaming.
Being kind to Claire saved my family. She’s a Christmas miracle.
I grin, thinking about all the highs and lows I’ve experienced. What has happened since December first is as odd as the stacks of solid gold bars on my grandmother’s kitchen table.
Walking away from Jake is difficult, but I need to create space before I do something stupid and kiss him when he doesn’t want it. Once again, I refuse to be a Lacy.
His lips looked soft, and I noticed his heated gaze. It felt like we were both struggling, and this time around, I want to take things slow.
If he’s willing to give me another chance, I won’t mess it up again. I want to learn everything I can about him, and I’m happy to share anything about myself. There will be no secrets. That’s a promise I’ll make and keep.
I taste the cinnamon liquor still on my tongue and realize I’m thirsty. As I walk past the crowd, I see the cider stand. There’s a giant plastic apple on top and a line that’s at least thirty people deep. Since Ginger made it a point to mention it after she pumped my gas, I decide it’s a must-try.
Going forward, I’ve decided I’ll live my life for experiences, not because of expectations. No more hobbies that I hate. No more doing things I don’t like because I want to fit in.
The line moves faster than I thought it would, but I decide to text my sister.
I found him at the bonfire and gave him the receipt. He knows what I did.
Aww. So did you two make up and kiss?