Page 62 of Wicked Ties

One thing’s for sure: when that moment comes, it will be nothing short of magical.


As the day of Spencer’s appointment approaches, we spend as much time together as possible surfing, cooking, and exploring hidden corners of this city. She’s nervous, I can tell, but every time she starts to worry, I pull her close or fuck her hard.

“Spencer, you’re stronger than you know,” I remind her one evening as we sit on the couch, her head resting against my bare chest. “And no matter what happens, I’ll be by your side, cheering you on.”

Her green eyes shimmer with gratitude, and she reaches up to trace the outline of my lips with her fingertips. “Thank you, Percival,” she mouths, her expression filled with resolve, but the silence kills me. I want to hear her saying my name. Fuck, I’m so whipped.


The next week, the sun is high in the sky as we walk hand in hand toward the doctor’s office, anticipation and nervousness tangling in my stomach like a ball of anxious energy. My grip on Spencer’s hand tightens as we approach the entrance, and I feel her squeeze back gently, a silent reminder that we’re in this together.

“Ready?” I ask, meeting her green eyes with a reassuring smile.

She nods, her lips pressed into a determined line. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

We step through the glass door and into the cool, modern waiting room. The walls are adorned with calming nature scenes, and plush chairs beckon us to sit. But there’s no time for relaxation; the receptionist waves us over, confirming Spencer’s appointment before ushering us into one of the private rooms.

“Dr. Palmer will be with you shortly,” she informs us with a practiced smile.

I can tell Spencer is growing more anxious by the second, so I pull her close, whispering words of encouragement. “You’ve got this, beautiful. Soon, your world might be filled with new sounds.”

Her eyes meet mine, and she nods, determination shining brightly in her gaze.

Just then, Dr. Palmer enters the room, exuding professionalism and expertise. She’s an older lady with silver hair and kind eyes that seem to hold years of wisdom. As she looks at Spencer’s medical records, she expertly assesses her hearing loss and begins discussing potential treatment options with us.

“Given the nature of your hearing loss, Spencer, I believe a cochlear implant may be the best course of action for you,” Dr. Palmer explains, her tone brimming with confidence. “It’s a small electronic device that can help provide a sense of sound to people who have severe hearing impairment. A cochlear implant device allows you to hear in a different way. This is called electrical stimulation. A surgically placed implant bypasses your inner ear. It translates acoustic sound into electrical signals. It sends the signals directly to the hearing nerve and then on to the brain.”

My heart swells with hope as I watch Spencer process the information. Her fingers trace the edge of the examination table, her eyes flicking between Dr. Palmer and me as she weighs the possibilities. I can almost see the gears turning in her head as she envisions a future in which her world is no longer bound by silence.

“Would I really be able to hear again?” Spencer asks hesitantly, her eyes sparkling with cautious optimism.

“Every case is unique,” Dr. Palmer replies gently, “but many patients have successfully regained some level of hearing with cochlear implants. The procedure has come a long way, and we’ll work closely with you throughout the entire process.”

Spencer’s fingers tighten around mine, and I give her hand an encouraging squeeze. She takes a deep breath, her expression resolute. “Let’s do it,” she says.

“Excellent,” Dr. Palmer beams, already making notes in her file. “We’ll schedule the surgery and begin preparing you for this new chapter in your life.”

Chapter Thirty-Five


The lights above my head cast a cold glow upon my face as I pace the sterile hospital hallway, each step echoing in the silence. Spencer’s surgery looms like a storm on the horizon, and I feel my heart tighten with anticipation. We are so close, and she’s been through so much, and it’s hard for me to shake the feeling that I’ve let her down in some way.

My phone vibrates in my pocket, pulling me from my thoughts. Detective Taylor’s name flashes across the screen, and I raise an eyebrow, curiosity piqued.

“Detective,” I greet, trying to keep my voice steady despite my nerves. “What can I do for you?”

“Good news, Mr. Hills,” he replies, his tone businesslike but laced with relief. “We’re about to arrest the suspect, We’re just waiting for the judge to sign the paperwork. It won’t be long now before Spencer is safe.”

“Finally!” I exhale, my shoulders dropping as some of the tension drains from my body. “That’s… that’s great news. Thank you.”

“Of course. Just make sure she’s protected until we get this guy in cuffs. We don’t want any surprises.”

“Absolutely. The security detail will take care of her until you make the arrest,” I assure him, my mind already racing with plans to ensure Spencer’s safety. Detective Taylor and I exchange a few more words before I end the call.

As I lean against the cold wall, my thoughts drift back to Spencer. Her vibrant green eyes seem to hold untold secrets, and her gentle demeanor that belies the fierce spirit beneath. She’s been a beacon of hope in my life since saving me, and I can’t bear the thought of anything happening to her. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep her safe, even if it means walking through fire.