Page 58 of Wicked Ties

“Did you see that pass?” Adrik exclaims, grabbing my shoulder in his excitement. “That was incredible!”

“Absolutely amazing,” I agree, my heart pounding in my chest as we exchange high-fives. Anastasio is the best soccer player in the world, as his agent, I couldn’t be prouder.

As the game continues, we all stand united in our support for the team, our enjoyment only growing stronger with each play. The thrill of competition is electrifying, and I feel alive in a way that I haven’t felt in a long time.

The referee blows the whistle, and its half time, the first forty-five minutes flew by. A show is starting, music, dance, and fireworks, as the team manager told me a couple of days ago. Ariel, Jordania, and Rose start dancing, taking Spencer with them, who follows with a shy expression on her face.

Suddenly, the sound system cuts out, leaving the stadium eerily quiet. The sudden silence is jarring, especially after the deafening noise of the crowd moments before. Confusion sweeps through the stands, and I can see people looking around, trying to figure out what’s going on.

“Don’t worry, this will be fixed in no time,” I say, sometimes the unexpected happens.

No sooner have the words left my lips than a high-pitched note shakes the stadium, and an ear-splitting blast reverberates through the stadium, causing everyone to freeze in terror. It’s louder than anything I’ve ever experienced, and it feels as though my eardrums might burst from the sheer force of it. But it’s not the chest-rattling volume that truly astonishes me, it’s Spencer’s reaction.

She cries out loud, clapping her hands over her ears. Her eyes well up with tears, and she winces in pain.

“Are you ok?” I ask in disbelief, my heart pounding with a mix of fear and elation. This would mean her hearing has somehow returned, at least partially. But how? “Spencer, can you hear that?”

She stays in her seat, trying to protect herself, still covering her ears. I know this is hurting her. I find a bottle of water, open it, and put it in her hands. Slowly, she starts sipping.

“Come on,” I say after a few minutes, my voice cracking with emotion as I wrap my arm around her protectively. “Let’s get out of here.”

As we navigate the chaotic crowd, my mind races with possibilities. Spencer’s newfound ability to hear, however painful it may be right now, could change everything for her… heck, this will change everything for us. I’ve never been one to dwell on the past or ponder the future, but this revelation forces me to reassess everything I thought I knew about our relationship.

“Spencer, we need to find you a doctor,” I say urgently, gripping her hand tightly as we move through the panicking masses. “There has to be someone who can help you, and I won’t rest until we find them.”

We finally break free from the chaos within the stadium and emerge into the open air, where the same chauffeur SUV that brought us here is waiting for us. I give the guy instructions to take us to the closest hospital.

“Thank you,” Spencer signs, her green eyes welling up with tears once more.

“Hey, you saved my life, remember?” I grin, trying to lighten the mood.

“Spencer,” I start, this conversation is important. If there is one more thing I can do for her, help her to change her life forever, I’ll do it in a blink. Money isn’t a problem for me. “I think we should find a doctor, someone who specializes in hearing loss. There might be a chance your condition is reversible.”

Her eyes widen in surprise before narrowing in defiance. “Percival, I appreciate your concern, but years ago, I took a decision. I can live my life like this. I don’t have insurance, and my priorities are different. First, I need to help my aunts fix the house because it’s falling apart.”

Yes, I noticed that. That historical house needs a lot of money and TLC, but again, no problem. I can take care of the issue in a blink. But I need to convince this wonderful woman pride isn’t the way to go here.

“Look,” she starts. “I’m feeling better, and I want to go home.”

“We are going to the hospital. You need to see a doctor.”

The way she looks at me is pure fire. “No,” she says before crossing her arms over her chest. The movement makes her tits to push up, and hey, I’m a man… she catches me distracted for a moment and snaps her fingers in front of me.

I give her a smile before replying. “We are going to see a doctor,” I insist, we are on our way already.

“If you don’t take me back home.” Her hands move furiously. “I’ll take a bus or the train.”

“Spencer, you’re being unreasonable…” True. She’s not listening to me, or the reason.

“This is my life. Mine. I decide what to do with it.”

“Spencer…” She needs to listen, really listen. Living in that world of silence isn’t fair when she can have everything.

“Take me home now. To my own home.”

“It’s not safe, you know it.”

“Take me home, or I’ll find the way to go.” Stubborn woman.