Vex had gone from pale, to bright pink in the cheeks as the commentator continued.

“…The alphas in there go until the cycle ends—they fight until they’re out from a hit or collapse. That’s a cycle, folks, then they rest until they wake, and then they go again. Sometimes they can go through three or four cycles before the rut is over. And yes, they can bow out between cycles, but transitioning to drugs is a painful process—and most prefer the fights over sedatives in a tin can.”

The other commentator jumped in.“And in answer to calls of people worried: a rutting alpha is about as tough as you can get. This isn’t boxing, there’s no ref in the cage. We’re here to watch nature at work. Alpha’s lose interest the moment their opponent is out, we’ve never seen it go further.

“It’s Stadium policy, we never pull them in the middle of a cycle—not unless we have to. They fight until they’re done. They’re here to get their rut out of their system, and we won’t risk letting a dangerous alpha back on the street. Rook Harrison knew that when he entered. He’s going to fight until he’s finished—and by the looks of it, he’s got a lot more fight left in him.”

“It’s easy to see why. If you’re looking for it, every time another alpha touches that tattoo on his chest he goes wild. Our seers are telling us his aura is off the charts. This gold pack is clearly why he’s fighting tonight—I sure hope she’s tuned in.”

“Are you… okay, Vex?” Drake asked her, stepping to her side.

“I… yes. It’s just… it’s not what I expected. Did you know he was in a rut?”

She glanced at me, but I shook my head. She bit her lip, looking torn between excitement and nerves. Then a word tore our attention back to the TV.

“...Casualties are rare. Alphas have used aggression to get ruts out of their system since the beginning of time. They’re built for this. Remember that Rook isn’t just a pretty boy actor, he’s an alpha first.”

“Casualties?” Vex asked, face pale.

“You heard him, it’s not going to happen.”

“But…” She gripped the sleeves of her shirt. “He’s my mate. I should be there!” She was already crossing toward her closet.

“Vex.” I hurried after her. “I don’t know if it’s a good idea—”

She spun on me, eyes wide. “He can’t get hurt because of me.”

“It’s not because of you—if he gets hurt, it’s because he’s a melodramatic prat.”

She wasn’t listening, instead grabbing a jacket and hurrying toward the door.

“I’m not taking you,” I told her.

“Drake!” She turned to Drake. He looked between us anxiously. “I… I think Love’s right. I don’t think you should go. Places like that aren’t exactly safe—”

“Then I’ll go by myself.” The door slammed behind her before I could reach her.

She literally couldn’t,right?Drake gave me a look before we were after her.

“You don’t have a bank card, or a car, or a bus pass—” I began.

“I’m going,” she said, already halfway down the stairs.

“Vex, I don’t know if going there and seeing him like this is a good idea.”

“He’s my mate and he’s in a rut! I shouldbethere.” She looked distressed as she rushed down the driveway.

“He’s been a prick, and I don’t want you going because he’s set this up so you feel you have to. Neither does Drake.”

“Then I’ll go by myself,” she insisted.

“How are you going to get there?” I asked as she unlocked the side gate and headed out into the street. “It’s too far to walk.”

She didn’t have a current bank account—and as a gold pack in a dark bond, the government considered that her pack’s responsibility so there was fuck all we could do about it right now. She didn’t even have any cash as far as I knew.

She spun on me, eyes blazing. “I got by just fine without alphas before,” she snapped. “He needsme.” That might have been sweet, especially with the determination in her eyes as she said it, but in the next moment, she shoved her hand out into the road with her thumb up.

Right in front of me.