The dark bond between me and the pack that sought to chain me had opened. It had been the only moment in my life in which I didn’t regret them being with me: as I tumbled over that cliff, with Love’s teeth at my neck.

Now, I woke to his purr at my back, and a sense of safety I had never felt before. No bond he offered could last, but this moment would.

I was scared of the fury waiting for me. But now I was sure.Ihad chosen defiance in a world that sought to rip choice from me. And this time it hadn’t been a choice of fear or desperation.

The bite on my neck still held power, but it was no longer my only truth.

Love wasn’t just my mate or my alpha.

Love wasmypack lead.


Chia pet’s 3rd day of life. Hair length: 0cm

Time until execution: 6 days


I pulled up before a rather dull-looking apartment building—if a little less broken down than the one Vex had lived in.

We weren’t all that far away from Vex’s old residence, but those few blocks did wonders for changing the kind of characters I was seeing on the street. From here, I could see a few kids shooting hoops, and groups of teens clustered around a mom-and-pop pizza joint.

I wouldn’t let that fool me, though. I was sure I would find nothing good in the home I was about to visit.

I’d woken this morning with a splitting headache, and discovered that in a drunken stupor, I’d taken Ebony’s suggestion to heart. I was going to find my own way to help Vex.

So, I’d texted Gambit (after previously stealing his number from Drake) a rather dramatic message trying to convince him to accept any help at all. I stood by one thing: hewasVex’s friend, and we hadn’t done enough. It was the only thing I could offer her right now without making things worse.

To my utter shock, he’d replied.

I peered up at the apartment building from the windscreen of Drake’s van, double checking it was right. Then I scrolled through my conversation again.

Gambit: What kind of help are you offering?

Me: Name it.

Gambit: Like… we talking money?

Me: What do you need?

Gambit: There’s just this one debt I can’t cover. If I get it managed then I’m set.

Me: What is it and how much?

Gambit: 10k, but I’ve saved 1.5 already.

I’d stared at that for a long time. 10k was nothing. If that’s all it took to set him on the right path then I could do that today. Gambit was in need, and I had more than I knew what to do with.

Me: I can cover it all, just tell me how.

After that, he’d asked me to write a cheque to a‘Kit Miller’ and given me an address to mail it to.

I’d come in person, though. He hadn’t told me what it was for, but I couldn’t imagine it was anything good. I wasn’t stupid enough not to realise 10K was a big deal in places like this. I wanted to give it to them directly and make it clear that whoever it was, that they were to leave him alone after.

My hood was up and I had a cloth mask covering my face from the nose down. The only thing they’d know about me was that I was an alpha. I had the height and build to be intimidating, but just in case, I’d tucked a gun into my satchel as I ducked out of the van.

I headed up the steps to find the buzzer system was broken, though the front doors were unlocked, and I got to the second floor without any difficulty.