“And when you knelt at the side of an omega who couldn’t fight back and chose to destroy her, was that fair?” I asked mildly.

“Please Ebony,” she begged, ugly tears flowing down her cheeks. “I d-didn’t know.”

“How about, since I’m feeling nice, I’ll make it six less days I’ll give you to run? Though I’d be fast. Crossing that border will be infinitely more difficult once you’re on a watch list.”

Her mouth worked like a fish out of water as I released her wrist.

“Don’t do this,” she begged. “Just let me get there. I’ll l-leave, I swear.”

“Four days, that leaves you with. You’re going to have to drive quick. At least you don’t have to worry about finding a place to stay.”

I grinned, opening the door of the van and stepping out. I was lying to her of course. I wouldn’t be setting off the New Oxford fireworks for Vex until I was ready—and that wouldn’t happen until I’d found the location of one particular alpha. He was mine, not the police’s, andfleeingwouldn’t be an option for him. But Alana didn’t need to know that.

“W-wait, Ebony, just—”

“Better get going, Alana, or I’ll make it seven less days.”

I slammed the passenger side door right on her horror struck face.

Snapping bones was its own satisfaction, but imagining the desperate terror of this foul woman lasting days as she fled across the entire country? Imagining her face when she realised I’d taken everything, right down to her phone, which was now in my pocket.

Nowthatwas priceless.

I supposed Icouldmention to her that I’d drained her bank account into gold pack charity funds, cancelled her credit cards, and that this shitshow of a van had a broken fuel gauge and less than ten miles of gas in its tank.

But I wouldn’t.

Her issues were hers to figure out.


Chia pet’s 2nd day of life. Hair length: 0cm.

Time until execution: 7 days


“You’re in averygood mood today,” Love noted as I snuggled next to him in bed, scrolling through a movie list on the TV.

I glanced up at him, trying to measure my expression. “Am I?”

“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say it happened the moment you found a certain gift smashed to pieces on your windowsill this morning.”

I shifted, looking back at the TV screen and continued scrolling, fighting a blush that was creeping up my cheeks.

He was right on both accounts. I’d woken to find a certain crystal swan with its head snapped off on my windowsill. It flipped a switch within me, something primal and etched into the constructs that made me an omega. Ebony was fighting for me. And maybe this giddiness made me a horrible person, since I had no idea what the shattered swan truly meant.

What Alana had done—destroying me before my mates, before the whole world—it wasn’t something I’d lingered on, not with everything else. It was like a dagger digging into layers of scar tissue, pain I’d felt before, cruelty I’d been taught to accept as normal—my own fault for a choice I’d made. And next to Zeus… it had faded.

But the broken swan was my mate’s way of telling mehewouldn’t accept it—that maybe there was a world where I didn’t have to, either.

He was doing exactly what he’d promised he would do—at least, he claimed he was. I’d told Love I wanted to trust Ebony.

I’d been warring with urges to break out into spontaneous song—or purring—all day. And I’d been losing those battles.

Now, we were waiting on food and Drake. There’d been a disaster in the kitchen, and he’d shooed us both upstairs so I didn’t witness the food casualties.

They’d asked if there was anywhere I’d like to go out today, but I wanted to stay like this a little longer, spending the day with them in my room.