“N-No!” Her jaw clenched. “I helped you. I’m n-not responsible for a gold pack’s status. If she didn’t want it, she should have chosen differently. Her issues are hers to figure out.”

“Mymate’sissues are mine to figure out.”

Alana froze, her eyes going wide. Her mouth opened, then she shut it. “I… had no idea she was…” She trailed off, clearly finally realising the reality of the situation she was facing. “I didn’t know.”

“I can only imagine you didn’t,” I said.

And it changed nothing.

I knew the movie industry back to front. Since I was a teenager, I’d been tracking every inch of it in order to get ahead—it was how I’d secured Drake for our pack.

Sex and drugs, that’s what these idiots preferred to dabble in. Conquer the industry without falling prey to it, and it was easy to reach the top.

The direct connection between the highest and the lowest creatures in New Oxford was not news to me: the rich funded crime that punished the poor—though the depravity… Since digging deeper over the last week, I’d discovered thedepravitywas bottomless.

Whatwasnew, however, was how it had become personal. That it was my mate who had suffered.

Therewouldbe retribution. And Alana? She’d managed to slide her way right into the middle of it all.

There was only one truth I didn’t yet know.

“My question for you, Alana: do you know the sources your partner uses to make the money that keeps you so comfortable?”

Her face was still all too pale. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Good,” I said. “Because I’m giving you a chance to get out. I even went to the trouble of getting you a new identity.”

I tugged open the glove box and withdrew what was within. In each hand I held a passport, one blue, one green. A US passport with her new identity, or a Mexican passport with her new identity.

Self preservation would tell me the rest.

If she truly didn’t know, then she was guiltless—in that, anyway—and she would see no reason why she needed to take such drastic measures and flee the country. The information I gave to my contact next week would reflect that.

If shedidknow, then self preservation would tell her that her best bet was to cross the border to Mexico as soon as she could. Equally, the information I gave would reflect that.

I watched her strained calculation as her gaze darted between both passports. For a moment, she reached for the blue, her fingers shaking as she did. Then her eyes darted up to me anxiously, and she snatched the green from my fingers so fast she might have thought I would take it away.

I straightened, a vicious smile curving my lips.

Vex had been right about me on the day of Dean Trance’s interview. I didn’t give the first fuck about gold pack rights. Yet, I hadn’t lied to her, either. I didn’t hate them, and I certainly didn’t give a shit about the colour of my mate’s eyes.

But Alana Swan was a different kind of monster, it had been reflected in her actions at the Gala. She’d been willing to target Vex while she couldn’t fight back, and then blast her across the internet.

The flavour of Alana’s sins didn’t matter to me. I was here because she’d come for my mate. Her sins served only to light my way to the kind of punishment I offered. The kind of punishment that brought Vex the justice she deserved, without overstepping what she would want if she was here.

And now I knew the full truth: she was a woman just as willing to jeopardise the safety of a gold pack omega as she was willing to step upon their corpses to reach a diamond ring.

And Alana had shown me herself.

She reached out to me, lip trembling pathetically, but I caught her wrist.

“Careful,” I murmured as I let my mask fall away completely. “I promise to snap every finger that touches what is hers.”

Her eyes went wide with terror and she drew away sharply, but my fingers bit down on her wrist, not letting go.

“I’ve already counted six times tonight. So that’s… six fingers?”

Her face went deathly pale. “W-wait… I didn’t know,” she stammered. “I-it’s not fair if I didn’t know.”