Not when it could still be taken away…

I swallowed back that thought.

Love didn’t look upset at all, already back to straightening the sweatshirts in the rack.

That night, when I settled into bed, crawling back into Drake’s arms, and this time twining my fingers into Love’s, I had time, briefly, to wonder upon what Love had said about Ebony, and to wonder upon the gifts he’d left. A smile touched my lips before sleep found me with ease.

And for the first time, my dreams were silent.


Chia pet’s 1st day of life. Hair length: 0cm.


I knocked on the apartment door, trying to measure my expression, the early makings of a thrill humming in my veins.

When it opened, I was met with the face of a woman I’d now carved into my memory for a second time. She was the first person to have harmed my pack and walked away. Only, I was back this time, and it wasn’t for Love.

It was official as of this morning: I was courting Vex. The promises had been set, and this time, unlike the words written into that book in blood, I wouldn’t break these.

I smiled warmly, and Alana Swan’s eyes went wide, her bright red lips popping open. I was dressed well, with a few buttons of my shirt undone. My hair was up as usual with a few wisps framing my face. I was everything that made the image of Ebony Starless absolutely devastating.

“Alana?” I asked, and the smile on my face was easy. She was the woman who’d found my mate, collapsed and vulnerable at the Diamond Tides, and made the choice to ruin her life. Now, she was here before me, and I would return the favour in kind.

“Yes…” She was breathless, knuckles white on the glass of wine she clutched. “E-Ebony.”

I held a hand out to her, and she took it. “You spent some time courting my brother,” I said, thumb sliding along the back of her hand gently.

“I…I did.” Her smile was nervous, darting between the movement and my gaze.

“And then…” I paused, letting her linger in her nerves as she tried to figure out what could possibly bring me to her doorstep. “You saved my pack from one of the greatest embarrassments of our career.”

Slowly, I lifted her hand, bowing just slightly, and pressed my lips to her knuckles. It turned my stomach, giving her even that, but I took comfort in reminding myself that it was a kiss of fate.

By the way she pressed her palm to the wall and her face drained of colour, I thought she might have almost fainted. In the next moment her cheeks flushed deep pink. That was cute when it happened to Vex, but Alana was nothing but vile.

“I… did? I mean. Of course, but… but how can I help you?” she asked.

“I wondered if you’d allow me to give you a gift of thanks.”

Alana’s eyes lit up. “I mean… I didn’t do it for a gift, but who am I to say no? Would you… would you like to come in?”

“Are you sure I’m not intruding?”

“No no, not at all.” Her high-pitched laugh was grating. “Come in. Can I offer you a glass?”

“I wouldn’t say no,” I replied. “You have a partner, right?” I asked as I stepped into a pristine living area. “You went with him to the Diamond Tides?”

I knew of course, because Evan Sorowitch was unwittingly a part of this now, too.

Alana, who’d made her way to the kitchen island and unhooked a wine glass, paused ever so briefly, not looking back at me.

“We… aren’t serious.” She found a broad smile as I slipped into one of the bar stools and glanced around.

Not serious?

“Ah.” I offered her a smile as she passed me the glass.