Page 223 of Sweetheart: Part Two

“What’s that?” I’d asked this morning, peering at plans that had replaced the ones I’d made for her nest (we’d taken those down now they were all implemented).

“My plans,” she said. “For you… But only if you want them.”

I tugged them from the magnet, examining them. A smile spread on my face as I realised what I was looking at.

“A greenhouse?”

She looked unusually flustered. “I thought maybe you could show me… I mean…” She went bright pink. “Only if you—?”

I drew her into a kiss. “I’d love to show you, Dreamgirl.”

Still, it wasn’t as simple as just pinning them up like it had been for Rook. I’d spent all day gathering the courage, keeping them folded in my back pocket. But I didn’t know when she’d be home, and I wanted them there when she got back.

It had become easier to look at every dream on here—the ones she’d had the courage to hold onto. If she could do it, then so could I.

So I lifted them and pinned my dreams to the open space upon the dream board.



Rook thought he was getting abettergift than I’d given her?

Never going to happen. Rook didn’t have the brain cells to come up with the kind of gifts that—

I froze as I pulled a protein bar from the mini fridge, hearing a desperate scrabbling of nails on hardwood and a squeak. I spun to see Vex crashing into the living room, launching herself after the blackcreaturethat was careening across the marble, a pink collar—larger than its whole body—in its teeth. It tripped face first, skidding the last few feet into my foot before it was on its hind legs, scrabbling at my jeans.

It dropped the collar and let out a delighted bark.

Oh no.

“Rook got me apuppy!” Vex squealed.


Thatwas his gift?

That cheatingbastard.

Gifts were supposed to be expensive perfumes, nest designs, or the slow torture of unsavoury alphas—gifts werenotpuppies. Didn’t they put that on Christmas posters or something?

My grimace faded at the look on Vex’s face as she caught up to the uncoordinated creature still struggling to scale my leg.

She was beaming.



A gold pack in a princess bond was basically a monarch. If she said this little… I squinted.


I wrinkled my nose.

If she said this little doberman was pack then…
