Page 207 of Sweetheart: Part Two

I felt Zeus’s bite on my neck, the other on my wrist.

Scars that would never go away, not completely.

The necklace slipped from my fingers and tumbled into the flames below. I watched, listening to the flames pop as the fabric turned to dust. After a long, long time, all that remained was the scorched husk of the lock among the ashes.

I’d been standing here for a long, long time, Ebony at my side.

I shut my eyes, a tear leaking down my cheek as I felt them all here with me. Present, alive, so full of energy and love, even after all we’d been through.

The princess bond had opened, the connection present, accepted by Love, Drake, Rook, and Ebony. They’d all claimed me, all accepted me, all bitten me—and yet never with this dark bond gone.

“I’m ready,” I whispered at last.

No more pills.

No more dark bonds or commands or fear.

Just me and my pack.


“Dammit!” Vex had groaned this afternoon, flopping back on her bed as we cut out pictures for her dream board. “It shows up whenever Idon’twant it. Now I have four alphas in a princess bond and I wanted to be fucked andwhere is it?Nowhere!”

It was, admittedly, a little ironic. And it was driving her a bit bonkers.

I’d paused at my bedroom door earlier, hearing an argument in the living room beyond. Peering out I saw Vex hovering at Ebony’s side on the couch.

“I’m not doing it,” he was saying.

“You have to. Rook got you one. And you told me—”

“That wasonlybecause of your bite. You’llneverrepeat that, Little Omega.”

She shook him by the collar of his shirt, eyes pleading. “Youhaveto write it down. Come on. Please!”

“Fine.” Ebony scowled. “But get me a different card.”



“Please! Please please please.”

Wrinkling his nose with disgust, he plucked the pen from her grip. “Fine.”

Later, I found an envelope tucked under my door.

I opened it to see a card inside. On the front was a cartoon bumble bee amongst the text,‘Thank you for bee-lieving in me.’Inside, he’d written the words: ‘You might have done a little more than I realised. Caring hurts like a bitch (glad I can shut it off.)’Beneath it, in a poor imitation of Ebony’s handwriting—I’dforged his handwriting enough times in my life to know—was an added,‘Thank you’.

When I flipped it upside down, I saw, in miniscule letters at the bottom:‘she’s withholding sex’.

Snorting, I’d propped it on my bedside table.

But Ebony wasn’t alone.

Since halting the heat suppressants, she’d decided to practise abstinence from all of us.

Which—fine. That wastotallyfine, and completely her choice, only this evening as she joined us at the firepit, (something that was becoming a pack habit) she’d selected a black lingerie set.