“We…” The world was spinning. “We’re getting her back.”

“What do we do?” Drake asked. Again, I found my grounding as I looked at him.Hewas coming apart. I had to keep it together.

“We need help,” Ebony said quietly. I glanced back at him. He was too still, even with his aura in the air.

“The cops won’t get involved, you know that, right?” Rook asked.

Vex was a gold pack, and nothing in that video broke laws. The only claim we had on her was as a scent match. The Institute wouldn’t help. It was up to us to make an offer to the pack who’d claimed her.

I took a breath, taking another step back and glancing around at them. They were all watching me. Ebony was the only one who didn’t look afraid. He was coiled as if to pounce, his gaze fixed on me, a demand in it.

And I knew what that demand was.

I opened my mouth, then shut it, pulse skyrocketing. But Vex’s fear still leached into my mind like liquid claws, seizing me, paralysing me.

She needed us.

“I don’t care what we have to do,” I said at last. “We get her back.”

That was it.

All he needed.

His aura finally died in the air as he took a step toward the door.

“Just…” I held a hand up as he began to turn, still trying to rein in my scattered thoughts. “Everyone knows she’s our Sweetheart.”

My warning was clear: nothing could be traced back to us.

He nodded, and I felt him through the bond, a moment of soaring freedom. A vicious smile twisted his lips as I confirmed exactly what I knew he was hoping for.

Because never, in all my life, had I dropped my leash on my brother entirely.


Hour One

I don’t know how many times I’d watched the video as I waited in the office downstairs. At first, my stomach had dropped at the sight of Vex’s fear. Now, it crystallised my fury, yet still was no less uncomfortable.

Was that why I watched it over and over—to numb myself to her fear?

It wasn’t working.

It wasn’t fucking working.

The tightness of my chest went nowhere.

She was still afraid right fucking now, and it was a violation of every one of my instincts that I couldn’t save her.

I’d set the ball in motion for every resource I had available. Now, I just had to wait. I watched the video again, trying to unweave everything it had to offer me. The alpha’s voice was distorted, making it impossible to identify. That wouldn’t be enough to save him, not when I found out who he was.

Again, the video ended on that blurred frozen frame of Vex’s tear streaked face.

Fury was ice cold fuel, seeping into every inch of my veins, smothering everything but the one truth with its claws deep: someone had taken my mate.

They were taunting her, and tauntingme—

I almost jumped as the gate’s buzzer rang through the office.