Page 169 of Sweetheart: Part Two

He really had a thing for theatrics, I was starting to realise.

I supposed hehadchosen acting for a career.

It didn’t end at Dean Trance, though.

“It’s not just police out there, I’ve never seen so many GPRE squad vans in one place in my life.”

“What does that mean?”

“Gold Pack and Rogue Enforcement squads are no joke. They’re set up to face more than just your run of the mill criminals. Whatever’s going down in the Gritch tonight, it’s massive. If you ask me, the arrests are just the beginning.”

Vex frowned at the screen, clearly unsure what to expect.

Ebony was tense where he sat, and I could imagine, if he seriously was the mastermind behind this—which was complete insanity—that he might be anxious to see how it went down. But the slight edge of nerves to his scent, it didn’t seem to be about what was on the screen at all. He could barely take his eyes from her.

“There’s more tonight than celebrity arrests. We’ve finally got news about the disturbances in the Gritch District. It’s been confirmed that the New Oxford GPRE and police force have raided an underground base host to a network of human trafficking.”

I heard a little breath of shock, and then Vex crossed toward the TV, standing right in front of it, smoothie clutched in her hands as she watched from an inch away.

“Please be aware, some of the images you’re about to see might be disturbing.”

They weren’t wrong. Next thing we knew there were frail looking omegas and alphas being ushered out of an old theatre building in the Gritch, escorted by police, and a sizable number of body bags.

“The theatre right there, ‘Jamie Hill Arts Centre’ appears to be one of the entrances. We’ve also had reports of no less than sixteen members of the GPRE and police that have also been taken into custody tonight.”

“How could something that big be under their noses the whole time?” I asked.

“It’s not so much that it was a secret,” Ebony said mildly. “It’s the power and money behind keeping it. Enough of that was destroyed tonight that it made a raid viable.”

“It’s…?” She swallowed. “Really… gone?” Vex asked, looking back at Ebony.

“Gone?” Ebony grimaced. “No. Can’t make a promise like that, Little Omega. But we certainly put a dent in it.”

Finally, when the news cycle began repeating, and the only fresh news was another rich idiot being shoved into the back of a cruiser, Ebony reached over and tried to tug the smoothie from Vex’s grip.

“It’s finished.”

“It’s not.” She glared at him, ripping it back and taking another teenie sip. There was alittleleft at the bottom.

Ebony’s eyes narrowed.

“The smoothie was a bonus. Not the main act.”

She bared her teeth. “Ilikethe smoothie.”

“Stop drinking him and let me take care of you.”

I snorted, though he was right. I’d never seen someone make a smoothie last as long as Vex was making this one last.

Vex froze, eyes wide as Ebony finally managed to free the cup from her grip. Her face had drained of colour.

I straightened, alpha instincts on full alert as I tried to find the threat. I followed her gaze but it was still fixed on the smoothie that Ebony had set down on the table. Frowning, I looked back at her. Her expression was nothing short of panic as she finally turned back to Ebony.

“W-what?”Her voice was a rasp. Ebony was frowning, clearly as stumped as I was. “You… didn’t…?”

Ebony cocked his head, clearly trying to understand. Then his eyebrows rose just slightly and he glanced at the smoothie, too.

“Ebony.” She mounted him like an angry koala. “Ebonytell me what was in that smoothie.”