Page 159 of Sweetheart: Part Two


Chia pet’s 9th day of life. Hair growth: 9cm.

A singular black tear has been scribbled down its cheek.

Time until execution: 0 days


“Wait—Wait!” Rook caught up to me as I reached the fence at the very back of the garden. “I want in!” he said, tugging a black jacket on as he did.

I turn on him, not hiding my irritation. “For fuck’s sake,” I muttered. “You’re like a rash I can’t get rid of.”

“You’re doing something for her, right? One of your psychopath revenge things? I want in.”

Rook wanted in on tonight—afteryesterday? I snorted. “Not a fucking chance.”

“I’m coming,” he insisted.

“This ismine.”

“We’re pack, she’souromega.”

Oh,nowshe was ours. Ha. “She’s mine, you’re hers by the way it’s looking,” I told him.

He grinned, not even fazed by that. “So I’m not a threat.”

“You can’t handle this, go back inside and cuddle her.”

“I can handle it,” he snapped. “Plus, I could blow this up in a moment. Sneaking out the back, wearing all that, you don’t look like you want any attention tonight.”

I bristled. “You’d ruin it, when it’s for her?” Fury edged into my voice.

“I’m not losing the upper hand she gave me last night.”

I glared. But shit… He was right. He could ruin it in moments.

All that planning. All that time.

For nothing.

“If you come, you’ll doexactlyas I say.”


“You won’t get in the way.”


“And if it gets too much, you’ll shut the fuck up and wait in the car.”

“Too much?” Rook’s grin was all too cocky. “Not gonna happen.”

I sighed

You know what? Fine.

Fucking.Fine.All of his puppy-dog excitement was going to go poof the moment he found out what we were doing.