Page 120 of Sweetheart: Part Two

He tilted my chin up toward him. “I need to know.”

I considered him for a long time, chewing my lip. “When I woke up, I was in my room and everything was perfect. Rook, Drake, and Love. It’s everything… But I can’t shake the feeling that this is the dream. I’m going to wake up and I’ll be back there, and all of this was just something my mind made up…”

Ebony considered that, deathly still for a long time. “So you want to be with me, instead?”

“I just thought if I was with you…” I trailed off, suddenly realising what I’d been about to say.

“What?” He leaned back just the slightest bit. “Do I complete the dream?”

“It’s just a change of environment,” I said, throat dry.

There was a pause. “You don’t need to lie to me, Vex.” His half smile was curious. “It matters that you are with me?”


“And it matters that I’m your mate?”

I opened my mouth, then closed it, nodding again.

“And that’s safer than the others.”


“Because…” He mused, though I thought his eyes were twinkling. “When you’re worried this is just a dream, I’m a solution because I’m never what you would have dreamed of in a mate.”

I winced.

He was right.


“That I’m not an omega’s prince charming?” he asked. “Why would that upset me?”

I breathed a laugh, wondering why I’d been worried about that at all, now he’d said it.

He leaned close, palm cupping my cheek, storm-cloud eyes so sure. “I’m the nightmare of your nightmares, Little Omega. Don’t ever forget that.”

I stared at him, finding no words to respond.

Finally, when a long time had passed and I found my voice, I dared ask the question that kept me up sometimes. I felt safe around him, but was that enough? If I somehow got free of this dark bond, would he still be interested in me? “Do you think you can really… love me?”

He blinked, cocking his head.

I nodded, throat dry. “Or what… what love would be for you?” I added.

“What love would be for me?”he repeated, a little humour in his voice. “You’ve been talking to my brother.”



I took a breath, staring into shining, golden eyes: the place around which my whole universe had begun to orbit.

Thrill, passion, and need, but… love?

I’d given it thought. Despite our conversation, despite my promise and her demand that I be myself no matter what that meant…

But obsession would be a better word than love.