“You’re offering to leave the bond open, in exchange for…?”

I’d thought this through, a dozen times in the bathroom and still my words were weak. “I’ll clean and cook, and be… whatever you want out of your omega. But I don’t want…” My voice failed me at last at the absurdity of what I was trying to say. “I don’t want…”

“You don’t want us to touch you?” he supplied, eyebrows raised. “We already have people who can cook and clean.”

“You have people who want to fuck you.”

His eyes flashed with a glimmer of humour. “You know what wedon’thave around right now?” I stared at him, not liking the malice in his tone. “Someone whodoesn’twant us to fuck them but has to put up with it anyway. It’s a harder spot to fill, you know? And my pack has certain… preferences that are hard to cater to.”

When he got to his feet, I almost stumbled a step back, the height difference enough to stop my heart. He moved more quickly than I could anticipate, fist closing in my hair. Then I was being dragged to the bed, where he threw me down. With a gasp of panic, I flung myself away from him, but before I could get across the bed, his weight crushed me against the blankets. A sob of terror caught in my chest as his fists closed around my wrists, pinning them in place.

“W-wait!” I begged, throwing my weight against him, but he was so huge I could barely even draw a breath beneath him.

“There it is.” His voice was hot in my ear. “See, that wasn’t so hard, and the bond is wide open.”

Then, he was gone.

I scrambled to the other end of the bed, the world spinning, tears blurring my vision before I turned, each breath getting caught halfway up my throat. I was shaking.

He had a nasty grin on his face. “What do you have to negotiate with again?”

The bond was still open. It was like fighting with a broken shutter in a storm, trying to get it closed.

“Then why… what’s keeping them…?” I couldn’t finish.

“You think you’rethatfuckable?” He laughed.

“You said… you told me—” I cut off, trying to get my thoughts together. “Why are you in here then?”

“You want to know the truth?” he asked. I realised, a little late, that I didn’t think I did. “You’ve been gone too long, and while my pack wants their turn,Ihave certain… instincts that are hard to ignore.”

“Like… what?” I asked.

“Come here.”

He settled into bed as I was forced to cross toward him. My blood chilled as he dragged me into his arms. I could feel his delight at that as he swept the hair from around my shoulders.

What was he doing?

I jumped, a low whine slipping from my chest as I felt his teeth graze the back of my neck. I struggled, but his growl stilled me, something primal and vicious in it. I remained frozen as he sunk his teeth in, renewing the bite. Then he held me for an age, and I felt the satisfaction radiating from him.

At the bite. At my terror.

“I could though, couldn’t I, little omega?” he whispered at last. “I could break you right now and all of that spirit would be gone, but where would be the fun in that?”


Hour Twenty-one


The others were all doing shit, and I was useless. We’d offered them money and received crickets.

Nothing but silence all day.

I was shaken, and the house was a swamp of tension that I couldn’t handle. Space was what I needed, just a moment out of this nightmare so I could get my head straight. I did the thing I always did when I was in a hole: I went to theCelebrity Round Table.

They weren’t an official TV show. It was basically a frat house channel that posted videos dedicated to celebrity watch. They’d become big enough to attract guests.