Page 115 of Sweetheart: Part Two

Rook nodded, with a frown. “Okay. I get it.”

“Ireallylike the tattoo.” She ran her fingers over it gently, as if she couldn’t believe what she was looking at.

“I’ll get more. Anywhere you want them.”

“Will you?” Her eyes shone.

“Anything for you, Baby Girl. My perfect, sweet, kind, sexy omega.” He brushed her cheek, and she leaned against his palm, purr rumbling to life. “I’d even…” He trailed off, his own cheeks going pink as if he was mustering the courage for something big. When he spoke, it was in a slurred rush. “I’d even get one on my face if that meant you’d sit on it.”

Drake shoved his fist to his mouth, choking back his laughs at my side, and even Ebony’s face was split with a grin. Vex’s laugh was goddamn heart stopping.

After Rook’s scent mark, Vex kept doing it back to him as if forgetting he wasthoroughlymarked already. I noticed she’d done itthreemore times since the pretty eyes comment. The nest smelled as if a bakery shop had exploded in the middle of it.

They settled into quiet cuddles for a while before Rook spoke again. “Vex…” His voice was low and worried.


“I’m a little… concerned about… well, about the others.” He dropped his voice even more, though not nearly enough so that we couldn’t hear him. I side-eyed Drake and Ebony, who were watching with interest.

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“Well…” He glanced at us and his eyes narrowed before he looked back to her. “I’d like to know what they did to apologise. I want to make sure it was good enough.”

I straightened, irritation flaring. “You’ve got to be fucking joking—”

Drake grabbed my arm, but Rook wasn’t backing down. He was glaring at me.

“It’s a valid concern,” he said. “I just… Look, this was really hard. I had to do a lot of stuff to know how to get this right—”

“Rook.” Vex tugged his face back to her.

“No, I’m serious. I had to go to a family dinner with all of these kids, and then there were the trophies and the cage—”

“Our apologies werefine,” I snapped.

“All I’m saying is that how do I know you guys know how to apologise properly?”

“You just missed the boat, Harrison,” Ebony snorted. “Most people learned a while ago.”

“Bullshit. I think I would have noticed.”

“Stage three of social development: initiative vs guilt,” Ebony supplied.

“What does that mean?”

“It means Drake and Love went through the uncomfortable process of learning to form a genuine apology approximately between the ages of three to five.”

Rook, even high as he was, didn’t seem to see the joke. His eyes went cold, expression turning sour.

“I want him out,” he snapped.

Ebony grinned. “Not going to happen.”

“Get himfuckingout!” He was shoving himself up—after moving Vex away carefully. Pandemonium broke loose. Ebony got to his feet, anticipating an attack, and Drake grabbed Rook before he could throw himself bodily at Ebony.

“ROOK!”Vex’s shout was the only thing that drew him up.

He turned back to her, rage melting from his face.