Page 109 of Sweetheart: Part Two

I didn’t stop fighting Love’s grip until I felt the unstable aura split the room.


I awoke with my world still crumbling down around me. A sense of dread collapsing in on all sides.

I’d fought the blackness sweeping me away, the sound of her pain echoing in my mind, haunting me through pain and restless sleep.

It was that same sound that woke me, dragging me awake through agony and drugs.



The world spun, pain splitting my head. Everything was too bright… Everything was spinning…

Where was she?

I could hear her cries…

She was the first thing that came into focus, expression broken with distress. Someone was holding her—fighting her. Crimson seeped into my blinkered vision, and I reacted before thought, a low growl in my chest as I ripped them from her.

Someone tried to grab me, but I flung them back, ignoring the searing in my whole weary body.

She was right here.

She was hurt.

Because of me?

I wouldn’t let her hurt anymore.

“Vex!” I crashed to my knees, fumbling for her.

God…she was alive.

Her eyes were open. She was all but on her feet, though I was steadying her, hands on her hips.

“Rook?”She was desperate, but the pain cleared from her expression as she took me in. “You’re… You’re okay?” Glittering tears beaded in her eyes.


I helped her sit on the edge of the bed, even when every instinct was screaming at me to drag her into my arms right now. To hold her close and never let go. I fought those urges, remaining kneeling before her, instead.

The image of her below me, eyes closed, blood blossoming through her hair, it was like a stake in my heart that I couldn’t rip out. One that made demands, set my hair on end, left adrenaline streaking through my system and my aura almost impossible to stifle.

But I couldn’t act on it.

I’d chosen to climb into that cage, I’d chosen it so I could fix this with her. But I hadn’t wanted her to turn up, to worry for me, or get hurt again.

So I crushed those instincts with every ounce of my will, needing to give her better. I ignored them, even when she was reaching for me with golden eyes full of desperation. “Rook…?”

I caught her wrist, my own panic stronger than even my most violent instinct. I wouldn’t react like I had before—trying to fix this for me but with no consideration of her.

She was only broken because I’d fucked up.

“Vex.” My voice was rough. “I need to tell you… I’m sorry.” I cleared my throat, ignoring the twisting of my heart as her lip trembled, eyes darting down to where I held her.

She froze at my voice, blinking, and the glimmer of a beading tear vanished with the motion.