When we pulled up before a glowing street sign, the plans were laid, and I was at the edge of cracking completely. Ebony reached over to the glove box and took out a gun.

“Oh… Wait. What the fuck—?” I cut off as he flipped the weapon in his hand and cracked the side. It came apart in an instant, revealing itself to be a gun only in appearance. Within was a compartment containing a number of vials of drugs.

“Uh… I don’t want anything in my body that you’d rather people think is a gun.”

“I can get a licence for a gun,” he muttered, checking the labels until he found what he was looking for.

Was that supposed to make me feel better?

I caught a glimpse of one of the vials.

“Is that Agritox?” I snarled, eyes wide. “You can’t have that.” It was poison to alphas. Literal fucking poison. “It’s controlled, isn’t it?” I asked. “They track it?”

I’d heard it compared to nuclear waste in how invested the government was in keeping an eye on it. I looked around like special ops were going to pounce from the shadows any moment.

“Chill,” he said as he drew up clear fluid from a vial into a needle he’d got from God-knows-where.

“You aren’t injecting me with anything until you tell me what it is.”

“Novastra. You’re going to have to be really out cold for what you want.”

“Oh… okay.” It was a heavy sedative—definitely not an over-the-counter med. “It’ll work even if I’m in rut?”

“For an hour or two, maybe?” he said with a shrug. “We’ll have time if we get a few people on it. And—better, it’ll be so much worse when you wake up. You can put on a real show.”

I nodded, still hesitant.

“Fuck!”I swore as Ebony jammed the needle into my arm without warning.

“Countdown,” he said. Silver storm eyes were more delighted than I’d ever seen them as he watched me. “Thirty seconds.”

The world began swimming. “I want… I want it ruined.”


“My reputation.”

If I entered the pits tonight, the whole city would pay attention. I didn’t want Vex in the spotlight, but that ship had sailed. I needed to change the narrative.

“By the time you’re in that cage, Rook, the world will see you as a whole new man.”



Jas: Look. Ebony told me to make sure none of it got back to you tonight, but this is going a little far.

Jas: Channel 39.

As I turned the TV on, I was met with complete insanity. It was the‘Firedome Alpha’s Arena’casting station. It was the one Rook put on sometimes and hosted a range of different fights, including aura boxing, but that wasn’t the focus of the channel as we turned it on.

It was rut fighting.

“Fourteen rounds in the cage!” A very enthusiastic commentator was saying. “That’s the previous record for a single rut cycle, and Rook Harrison is on twelve! He’s looking to take the crown for his princess!”

“His… what?” Vex’s voice was faint, and her face was pale. But I didn’t answer, completely stalled with shock as the camera finally panned back to the cage.