I hadn’t signed up for any of it. Not their sad looks or lying about a five-year-old’s shitty colouring.

“Now Petal is going to be mediocre for the rest of herfucking life!”—I flung the stupid trophy at the wall and watched as it exploded into a million pieces.“And it’s my fucking fault!”

“Sweet mother above,” a cool voice drawled from my doorway. “What thefuckis going on?”

I spun to see Ebony leaning against my door frame, eyebrows raised.

“I don’t want tofuckingdeal with you right now!”

“Well too bad, because frankly there’s nothing more interesting in my life right now than finding spoiled little Harrison screaming at his trophies before heexecutesthem.” He kicked the door shut behind him.

“I’m not fucking about, Ebony.Get. Out!” I was on the brink of crossing toward him right now and putting him through the wall.

“Rook, you’re a mess in the bond. Talk.”

“Talk?” I asked with a breathless laugh. “To you?” LikeEbonyfucking cared.

“It’s either that or I knock you out before Love and Drake feel the need to poke their heads in. I won’t have it getting back to Vex. She’s still recovering from the last tantrum you threw.”

I stared at him, a snarl on my lips. “I just… I don’tfuckingget it!”

“Get what?”

“I convinced Gambit to let me help him.”

“Did you?” Ebony asked, looking genuinely curious. “And?”

“That’s the fucking problem. I’d offered him anything in the world to help, and he sent me to give his sister money for surgery.”

Next thing I knew I was seizing the next closest trophy I could find.

“And that… makes you angry enough to break your trophies?” he asked, as if I was genuinely posing him with an interesting puzzle.

“It’s fuckingstupid!” With a flare of my aura, I flung the trophy at the wall and watched it shatter.

“Is it?”

“He’s a fucking idiot. I gave him a chance to get out and he blew it!” I threw another trophy and watched as it shattered. “What if I never offer again? What then? And instead of getting himself out, he sent me to have dinner with his sweet goddamned sisters who were missing him because he was too much of acowardto visit them!”

With another growl of rage, I sent another trophy from the shelf flying.

It wasn’t enough.

None of this was enough.

I spun on Ebony, who was still watching me with perfect calm.“Well?”

Ebony shrugged, watching me intently. “Sounds like he’s a good kid.”

“A good…?”I let out a laugh, running my fingers through my hair wildly. “Don’t you pretend to be normalnow!”

“Sure,Ithink it’s stupid. He was thinking about his family before himself, that’s what the world would call selfless. Caring.Noble.” His eyes flashed with derision at that last word. “You’ve never done well with people who are good, Harrison. EvenDrakemakes you uncomfortable sometimes.”

I stared at him.“What?”

Ebony actually laughed, folding his arms and giving me a condescending look. “You are the only person who chose, with eyes wide open and no loyalty or obligation, to enter a bond with me. If I were to guess? I make you feel better about yourself. Butwhathas ever given you the impression youlikegood people? We don’tseegood people.”

“Vex is good.”