He stood, looking down at me with those pretty chestnut eyes that had failed me over and over.

I needed him to stop looking so lost.

It was like bars of a cage, closing in from the final side.

I’d thought maybe… Icouldtalk to him, but I was wrong. I couldn’t do this—not if he was going to give up.

Like a rising flood choking me, I was consumed with the terror of what he was threatening right now—stealing away a dream he’d already stolen a thousand times. At my own fury that he would do what he’d done, and then give up.

“Vex…” He swallowed. “I don’t want you to think I’m like them. I’ll do anything to change that. Just tell me what to do to fix this.”


Why did he think I knew what to do? I was lost. I felt like I was swimming through tar in the pitch black, the only touchstones, Drake and Love. More than I deserved.

He reached for me, so desperate.

“Don’t…” I pulled away. My lip was trembling. Pathetic. Weak. In front of a man who’d done nothing but hurt me. I hugged myself tighter, fighting it, shoulders bunching as I scrambled for a way out of this.

“I will do anything for another chance,” he begged. “Just tell me, and I’ll do it.”

He wanted me to find him another chance, when I was drowning?

I’dbeen with Zeus, not him.

I was the one with that darkness lurking on the other end of the bond, a promise of hell I’d never escape if I failed.

Knowing I didn’t deserve more.

Everything—I’d given himeverythingdown to my own tears and heartbreak, and it hadn’t been enough.

I broke, a wild, furious scream tearing from my lips, then I was slamming my fists into his chest.“Try!”The last of my sanity was ash in the wind. “I want you tofuckingtry!” My voice broke, tears flooding my face, all the rage scrambling to keep a hold and save me from the void beneath.

He was my mate.

The one person who was supposed to have saved me.

“I wanted more,” I choked out. “You gave me cruelty I never wanted, and now you have guiltI don’t have any use for!”

He was staring at me, shock in his eyes as I clutched his shirt. I hated how fucking pathetic and open I was right now.

I hated that I had to say it.

I hated that his expression was still blank.

“I want better than that.I want you—” I shoved him again with all my might. “—to have been better the first time!I want you to be more now! I want you to prove all my fears were wrong, instead of giving me more. I want to be worth enough to you, that you’d risk being wrong, and you’d try even if you find outyou can never fix it!”

Or find out he could never fix me…

The need to scream those words sucked me dry: mind, body and soul. The world spun, and I didn’t realise I was falling until he caught me. I could hear his unsteady breaths.

I tried to tear free—I had to leave. I didn’t want to look at him. I didn’t want to risk seeing that confusion in his eyes.

Uncomprehending guilt.

Caramel brandy still lingered in the air, and I was sobbing with my entire body as I tried to tear from his grip.“Let me go!”

“Vex! Please, I’m sorry.” His voice shook, and he was drawing me into his arms, trying to get me to look up at him. “I’m so sorry. Just… please. I just need a chance to make it right—”