Page 172 of Sweetheart: Part Two

Was it possible… Could the police possibly find who had bought Vex? They hadn’t helped because she was dark bonded, and we had no evidence she was purchased.

Even if they couldn’t, if the pack who’d bitten her were watching this, they might be panicking.

I froze.

Her phone.

I didn’t have it.

I’d been too distracted when I’d come in.



I dashed from the room and hurried down the stairs to the garage. The backpack I’d taken tonight was on the floor beside the door. I unzipped it and ripped the phone out. Even as I watched, it lit up.


I paused, then sat in the driver seat of my car, shutting the door before tapping the screen on.

Sure enough, he’d made contact. Not just once, but…fuck.

There were dozens of texts, and a voicemail.

I read through the texts several times, piecing together broken words and sentences until they made sense. He was drunk… had to be. And panicked. I could tell.

Pack Lead: Enjoy the night you little slut.

Pack Lead: When they leave you behind you’ll never have a good night again.

Pack Lead: Or maybe better, maybe you’ve fucked him and I get even more entertainment.

Pack Lead: The stupid dead bitch, trusting a man who’ll never save her.

I stared at it trying to figure that out. He was completely off balance.

I forced myself to tap open the voicemail, every sense on high alert. Would he have hidden his voice in this? Not drunk as he was, surely?

I pressed play to hear angry, slurred words through the voicemail.

“Don’t get confident you little rat. Like I don’t know why you’re happy tonight. You think we’re like those others? That we’re getting caught?”There was a pause, and then he was speaking again, more slurred than before.“On second thought, go on. Trust what they’re saying. Believe I’m going fucking soft, like I would ever want his seconds. Screw it all up like you’ve done since you started you dumb fucking bitch. Fuck Ebony fucking Starless so I can watch you get torn to pieces in a hunting arena.”There was the sound of a crash, a low growl.“Delete this fucking message. And call. Me. Fucking. Back!”

That voice…

I recognised his voice. I couldn’t place it—not exactly with the slurred speech and shitty voicemail quality. But Iknewit. Not that I should be surprised, but still…hearingthe voice of the man who’d bonded my mate.

My heart was racing out of control. Unfortunately, not like earlier, when I was riding a high.

But none of that was the worst part.

The worst part was the realisation of what he’d said.

He’d singled me out.

He’d told her… I frowned, playing it again to confirm, to let the voice sink in a little deeper.

My blood froze in my veins.