Page 147 of Sweetheart: Part Two


Chia pet’s 7th day of life. Hair growth 6cm.

Time until execution: 2 days


I’d heard a lot about Nesting Needs before, but I’d never actually been in one. It was, momentarily, enough to make me forget everything else in the whole world.

Where I came from, omegas were desired, sure, but that left them hunted. Topside, though? We were treated like queens, and it was something I was still getting used to.

I’d been on dates with rich betas, but it was hard to compare the occasional high-end date with the real world.

This was true value, built into the foundations of this warehouse-sized building dedicated exclusively to omegas.

And the shit inside was not cheap.

Their jingle:‘A maze of nests, you pick the best!’was printed beneath the grand letters before the massive building.

The others—my alphas—weren’t making an effort to hide themselves today, so we were getting stares. There was, however, a security detail of three alphas who were hovering behind us at all times.

We stepped up to the doors, and I read each of the posters outside.

‘Check out the nest of the week—what makes Romeo Knight feel at home?’, ‘Half price on all beach themed nesting items’,and‘Read our latest blog: What to do if your omega believes they want black lights in their nest, (Hint: they don’t) and how to manage the fallout when they do sneak them in’.

“Black lights?” I asked, brows furrowed. “But they don’t sound so—oh.” I cut off, heat rushing to my cheeks as Drake chuckled.

We stopped at the doors for a ‘scent dampening spritz’ which was mandatory if we wished to touch the rooms within. I tugged on Love’s sleeve, and he let the employee mist us all down.

Inside, scent dampeners misted the air around us, though it wasn’t enough to completely rid the rooms of other alphas and omegas. There were so many faint layers, though, that it all blurred into something a little less distracting.

Nesting Needs was, in essence, a village of nests. There were even fake cobblestone streets with lamps and a sky painted above. Each nest was different, some were wide, some two story, with every kind of decor imaginable.

“There’s more to this than I thought,” Drake muttered, stopping before the information board outside an earthy green ‘hobbit’s nest’. It listed the nest features, including colour themes, lighting types, fabric and texture combinations, sound and ambience, and even compatible fragrance and alternatives for different types of omega scents.

“This,” I said delightedly. “Is going to beamazing.”


Watching Vex in Nesting Needs was something else.

She’d sometimes flit from nest to nest quickly, but then she’d get stuck on one, and Ebony would have his notebook out, writing down the product number and interrogating her on all the variances.

It was cute, until a particularly aggressive line of questioning over the patterns of wallpaper that made Vex burst into tears. “I d-d-don’t know,” she sobbed. “I w-want the planetsandthe star sign designandthe geo-geometric patterns.”

“Okay.” Ebony looked completely out of his depth as he sat down on the bed and tugged her into his arms. “It’s okay Little Omega.” He patted her head. “I’ll get it custom done with all three, alright?”

She nodded, wiping her eyes.

“Do you know how insane it is, that you can make her cryinNesting Needs?” Rook snorted.

“It’s o-okay,” Vex stammered. “It’s v-very emotional in here. And it’s worse because my heat’s soon, so I’m a m-m-mess.”

She was right. We passed atleasttwo more teary-eyed omegas, one with three different types of potted plants clutched in his arms as he fled a nest and had to be chased down by staff.

Following that, what sounded like a pre-recorded announcement played on the intercom:‘All nesting omegas must be accompanied. Nesting Needs staff are not responsible for managing them in display rooms.’

“How have you never been in one of these before?” Rook asked, as we stopped to grab a bite from the cafeteria.