Page 118 of Sweetheart: Part Two

I hurried to water the chia pet, phone clutched in my hand, even when I hadn’t looked at it.

I would.

That conviction made the weight of my commands less urgent.

The chia pet, however, had sprouted green hair. I leaned closer, inhaling. For the first time that aroma didn’t bring me a second of fear.

It wasn’t chia sprouts that made up its green hair.

It was wheatgrass.

I palmed my phone in my hand. I’d now peeked at it to find two texts from Zeus, but I hadn’t opened them.

I’d dothisfirst.

I was nervous in a way I wasn’t with the others. I didn’t know why, but Ebony was just… different. I tried and failed to knock on his door four times before I mustered the courage.

Finally, I rapped quickly and took a few steps back.

Silence passed, and I hugged myself tighter.

I took another step.

It was okay.

I didn’t need to do this, not really.

The door creaked as I began to turn, and I jumped. Ebony’s brows were drawn as he rubbed his eyes, and twilight grass flooded the hallway.

“It’s the ass crack of dawn, I texted you the update, there was—Oh.”

He froze, gaze falling on me.

Mother above, he was beautiful. His hair was down, and messy—well, messy for Ebony, which meant a few hairs out of place as it tumbled about his shoulders. He was wearing nothing but a pair of baggy sweats, and I couldn’t stop my eyes sweeping over his glorious torso: rigid muscle with that dusky tan skin and a perfect V leading down into his waistband.

Oh, fuck me.

He was too much.

I realised my lips were parted as I met his eyes, though he looked no less stunned. His gaze had slid down to my bare legs, before he met my eyes again. He was definitely less sure than usual.

“I wanted to see you,” I said, when he looked as if he wasn’t going to break the silence.

“Why?” He just sounded so confused it might have been comical.

I tried to formulate my words but nothing came out. I might have looked pale because he frowned, stepping closer.



Don’t burst into tears.

Thatreallyhadn’t been the plan.

I’d already done that too many times.

I managed not to, but I must have looked on the brink of it because he stepped toward me in a second, perfectly alarmed as he drew my chin up, eyes scanning mine.