I found him on the third floor which, as it turned out, was just a rooftop patio with another pool. Drake was seated, curled up in a daybed beneath its canopy, knees hugged tight to his chest.

He straightened as he heard my footsteps, eyes finding me.

“Vex?” His voice was rough and thick. He shifted away from me. There were tear tracks down his cheeks that broke my heart.

I slipped onto the far edge of the day bed, staring at him, now unsure of what to say.

There was a long silence in which he just stared at me, maybe more frightened than I’d been.

“It’s not…” he said finally. “I can’t—”

“You don’t have to explain,” I said quietly. “I’m not angry.”

Those beautiful violet eyes held mine, unsure. A long time passed, and he relaxed, if only the tiniest bit. “I can’t uh…” He swallowed. “I can’t stay in your bed anymore. Not by myself. I can’t risk hurting you.”

My heart sank, and for one, desperate moment, I just wanted to pretend it hadn’t happened.

He was right. Iknewhe was right, even if I didn’t want him to be.

“Can I… come closer?” I asked.

He looked so panicked for a moment. “Vex—”

“I’m not afraid of you,” I whispered.

“You’re lying.”

“I was afraid,” I said. “But I’m not afraid ofyou.” The tears I’d wiped away before searching for him, returned. “You don’t know…” My voice caught. “How much you mean to me.”

That was too vulnerable, I knew it, but I couldn’t help it.

He was it.

My only light.

I didn’t want to lose him.

Slowly, he nodded and I got to my feet, circling the day bed and slipping down next to him.

I lifted my hands up before him, palms forward. He stared down at them as I pressed them gently against his chest. “You have monsters, Drake, that doesn’t mean you are one.”

His breathing hitched, something shattering in those beautiful twin galaxies, and then he leaned close, drawing me against him with such care. Gently, I wrapped my arms around his neck and held on tight as he trembled.


Dear Drake: Please don’t leave me. I can’t do this without you.


I held Vex in my arms for what felt like forever, until my shaking died down entirely.

When I drew back, I cupped her cheek.

“I’m… sorry.” It finally felt real enough to speak out loud. Notenough, but real.

A sad, half smile curved her lips, and she leaned into my palm. If her goal was to soothe me, it worked. She was so fearless, so beautiful.

She unwound her arms from me, leaving her hands lingering on my neck as she drew away, eyes searching mine. “You’re…” She shrunk a little, so unsure. “You’re more important to me than the contract.”