“I don’t understand,” she whispered.
The world was steadying, and I had a pounding headache. She hadn’t taken her concerned eyes from me. Hadn’t even glanced down to the envelope that I knew sealed her fate.
I just shook my head.
I didn’t have it in me to explain. She would be heartbroken. This contract meant more to her than she admitted to me.
But… I swallowed. I couldn’t watch her with the others. I couldn’t let them become the nightmares I’d fled. I couldn’t watch her suffer at the hands of men I was bound to.
Her face was pale as she slid into the chair at my side. Finally, she looked down at the envelope.
She was silent, as if she knew what I’d done. Her fingers trembled as she picked it up and held it close to her chest. She reached for the flap, then hesitated, eyes drawn back to me as if she couldn’t bear to see it for herself.
I shook my head.
A confirmation of what I knew she feared.
I’m sorry.
I wanted to say it again, but I wouldn’t. She’d heard, and it broke her.
I wouldn’t rub it in.
“Did…?” Again she trailed off, eyes falling on the upturned chair at the end of the room. We’d taken most of the fight outside, but evidence remained.
“Rook,” was all I could say.
She bit her quivering lip so hard I spotted a bead of blood. “I’m…” she began, then trailed off before trying again. “I’m going to go on a walk.”
Her voice was thick, as if it was taking everything she had not to burst into tears. My heart cracked in two, seeing her pain. Knowing it was because of me.
“I’ll… get my stuff when I’m back,” she said, voice now nothing but a husk.
I nodded.
She wanted space.
I got that.
She stood, still clutching the envelope to her chest in delicate fingers. She was the most precious thing I’d ever laid eyes on, in a casual oversized band shirt and shorts, with those black combat boots she favoured.
Kindred, beautiful, free. And she’d hate me forever.
But I’d make sure she was alright, I owed her that for stealing away this chance.
She’d told me she would never have another opportunity like this again, but I wouldn’t let that happen. I had endless contacts, an ocean of opportunities—ones far more fitting for her than a Sweetheart position.
I’d make sure she got the world.
That world just couldn’t have this pack in it.
Two Months Ago
I sat on Alastor’s lap, silent and trembling as live music played on from below, flinching every time his lips brushed the mark he’d left.
I was still in a blindfold dampened by the few tears I couldn’t keep back.