Page 178 of Sweetheart: Part One

I waited, watching each incremental shift in his furious expression. His eyes darted between mine, searching for a lie that wasn’t there.

But I wouldneverlet him have her.

And then I felt it.



The thing I’d been waiting for since the day the pack formed.

Drake and Rook froze as they realised what settled across the bond, soft as a blanket of fresh snow, as suffocating as it was calm—and all the more chilling for that.

Ebony had just challenged me for pack lead.



An aura flared and Ebony’s next punch caught Love so hard in the cheek that he crashed into the carpet, rolling once, twice, three times before he was hauling himself up with a growl.

Ebony was after him in a second, not giving an inch as he slammed Love onto his back, arm coming down on Love’s throat. There was a bruise already blossoming on Love’s jaw from one of Ebony’s punches, and blood smeared Ebony’s cheek.

This had already gone on too long. They were going to kill each other. Love bucked beneath Ebony’s weight, a strangled sound ripping from his chest, his eyes wide as his windpipe was crushed.


I moved forward, but Rook grabbed me.

Ebony threw his weight over Love’s neck, and Love made a gurgling sound.

“Don’t!” I rasped, but Rook’s fist was still around my arm.

“Give it up!” Ebony spat.

I glanced desperately at Love. His eyes were fixed on his brother, every strained muscle taut as the breath was crushed from his lungs. Still, he managed with a snarl on his face, to get out the smallest, trembling shake of his head.

“I will never let her go!”Ebony snarled.

His aura shuttered like rickety windows in a storm, and I saw the rogue in him. A thousand echoes split the air. In them, he threw the rest of his weight against his grip, crushing Love’s neck.

My heart tripped over itself and I let out a growl of terror, unable to intervene. I was an alpha in this pack. I couldn’t interfere in a pack lead fight.

Still, Ebony hadn’t moved, but the echo repeated over and over. Then, his gaze found mine. There was panic in his eyes.

“Ebony!” I choked, shaking my head.

He couldn’t… He was losing it.

But I couldn’t move. I was part of the pack.


If my brotherssawVex…

I was backing up, ripping from Rook’s grip and racing toward her room.