Page 165 of Sweetheart: Part One

“No.” I cut him off. “Rook still has an award. I’m good to stay,” I said.

“Really, mate,” Rook said. “I’m alright—”

“We stay,” I snarled. “I’m fine.”

Then I saw Vex still huddled under Rook’s arms, eyes wide. I paused. “If… if you are?” I asked her. Shame burned my system. She’d been caught in that too. I’d been so taken with rage that I hadn’t cared for her the way I should have.

But she swallowed quickly, looking up at Rook. “I’m okay to stay.”


We returned to the booth tense.

Vex said she was happy to stay, but I could tell she was shaken. I wanted to fix it, and the need itched as if burned into my bones.

“Hey,” I said finally, resting a hand on her arm. She looked at me, still wide-eyed and jumpy. “We have a few final laps to make, to look involved. Join me?”

I could feel my pack’s eyes on me as if they saw right through it. I knew we didn’t need to do anything else tonight. Rook’s award would be announced, he’d claim it, and we’d go home.

Still, none of them argued as Vex slid from the booth to join me. I led her out of the main room, noting how her demeanour shifted the second we were out.

I’d been right.

This didn’tmeananything. I was just taking care of her. It was the polite thing to do. It had nothing to do with my need to keep her safe, to make her happy.

I don’t know when I’d become this obsessed.

I gently placed my hand on her shoulder and she jumped, looking up at me. I nodded my head to the exit, and she forced a smile with her nod.

There were people everywhere, of course, but I found a perfect little room full of props and old sound equipment that no one would ever come looking for us in.

“Are you okay?”

She looked unsure. I knew I was going against everything else I’d ever offered her.

“That was a lot with Drake,” I said.

For a moment, I was worried she’d wall me out—and damn it if I didn’t deserve it. But this wasn’t about me. Luckily, she didn’t, hugging herself as her words spilled out. “I… I don’t know what happened. He was just so… so angry.”

“He has a history with the Lightning pack.”

She nodded. I knew it was the truth, even if Drake would never put it to words.

The Lightning pack had been a nightmare for Drake. I didn’t know the details, just that he’d been with them for a few months when he was eighteen, projected to be the next member of their pack.

Then Ebony had got involved, and Drake had turned up at our house, a nervous wreck. I’d been angry at what Ebony had done to that pack until the day Drake had entered the bond. Nothing the media could say on the matter held a candle to what I’d felt then.

Then, I wondered if Ebony hadn’t done enough.

“I’m sorry you got caught in the middle of it. I just… I need to make sure you’re okay. It is…” I swallowed, cupping the back of my neck and knowing how hypocritical I was about to sound. “It’s my job to make sure of that. Especially at events like this.”

What was I doing?

I was giving her an in, and I knew she’d take it. Every step closer she got to me was forever, I didn’t have the strength to push her away. I’d made sure I was seen with her today when we departed the limo—good for the image, I’d told myself. I’d hired her as a Sweetheart, I should be seen beside her. But it had felt like more than that for me.

“I… I’m okay,” she said.

“You’re lying to me.”