Page 149 of Sweetheart: Part One

I didn’t reply.

The pool and shower had washed away the fake scent I wore.

He definitely knew.

And he’d set this up exactly how it needed to be, but whatever he was expecting, it was going to be worse.

What was Ebony Starless going to do when he discovered his mate?



One Month Ago

“I won’t do it.”

I said those words before a command could come through.

I knew what Alastor wanted, though.

He’d led me into the bathroom, and set down a bowl that smelled distinctly of hair dye. Within was a dark liquid.

Alastor breathed a laugh. “You look like a child with that stupid colour in your hair. Get rid of it.”


I tried to fight it, but the command was enough that I couldn’t help but take the brush he was holding out for me. “This won’t match the rest of my hair,” I said desperately as my hands betrayed me, dipping the brush into the bowl of dye.

“I had this mixed just right. Paint it over the stupid colour and wash it out in half an hour.”

“W-wait, just… Please don’t do this.” I managed to look up at him, and before I could stop it, the world was blurring with tears.

They’d taken everything from me, and now my hair? My lip quivered pathetically, my grip white-knuckled on the brush.

I loved my hair.

I loved the peach strip at the front, even faded as it was right now.

“They’re my mates…” I whispered. But even now I fought the urge to lift the brush and begin painting it on my hair, a low bubbling of pain spread across my skin as I fought the command. It wasn’t strong though, he hadn’t made it absolute yet.

“And you think that means they’ll automatically like trash like you?” he asked. “You aren’t going to them until you stop looking like the street rat you are.”

I stared at him, tears spilling down my cheeks at last.

“All of this, and that’s what breaks you?” He laughed. “Hair dye?”

“Let me keep it.” I hated every syllable as it fled my mouth. He grabbed my chin, tugging me to face him, then he leaned close. “Dye your fucking hair, you little cunt.”

My breathing was short and sharp as I grabbed the bowl from the counter, the brush still in my other hand.

But I wouldn’t.

More tears splashed down my cheeks, hatred burning me to the core.

He’d taken everything from me.

He couldn’t have this, too.