Page 120 of Sweetheart: Part One

The tension between us was insane, and the challenge—this game he was making me play—turned that tension up to eleven. Every time his hand brushed my skin, goosebumps erupted. Even his voice, cold or fake, was enough to make me shiver.

Out of all of my mates, Ebony woke my feral side—and she was climbing the walls right now, desperate to claim him. Every time he shifted, I had to fight my gaze honing in on his neck, though I’d never had the urge to bite an alpha before. It sparked more than a claim, it opened a temporary connection.

Did I actually want that connection with Ebony? Tofeelwhat he was? He hated me—even now, he was just toying with my emotions, trying to get a rise, I was sure of it. With a bond, I’d know the truth, and that would be inescapable.

Still, he wasn’t like anyone I’d ever met, and I couldn’t deny an aching desire to know more.

“You’re not like Rook,” I said.

Finally, that was enough to seize his attention. “I don’t recall doing anything to deserve that comparison.”

“You’re both dicks,” I said with a shrug.

Ebony breathed a laugh. “Harrison is a spoiled brat with entitlement issues.”

“And youdon’thave entitlement issues?”

He regarded me for a long moment as if toying with his response, finally releasing the cuffs of his shirt. “To have entitlement issues, I’d have to believe I was owed anything.”

“You behave just as spoiled.”

“I am what nature intended for alphas, Vex—not Rook. I am notowedanything. I lay claim to what I want, and when I do, I defend it to the death.”

I stared at him, lips parted, taken completely out of left field by his reply. I was transfixed.

“You want that claim, Sweetheart?” he asked. “Is that why you’re here?”

“I’m…” I cleared my throat, desperately unscrambling my brain. I wouldn’t let him see me flustered. “I’m here because your brother made it clear my contract depends on you.”

Ebony grinned. “Unwanted by my brother, bullied into spending time with me, and blackmailed by Rook, yet you’re still here. Is Drake reallythatappealing to you?”

I drew up at that, ice chilling my veins. “How do you know about Rook?”

There was no way Rook was telling people. And if Ebony got ahold of that email it wouldn’t remain private—he’d blow up my contract the first chance he got.


But… even if Ebony leaked the email, it would mean nothing if Rook didn’t want to push it, right?

Ebony’s eyes were twinkling with delight as he watched my reaction. “It must be good, little Sweetheart. He has you dancing so pretty I’m almost jealous.”

“I don’t think you want that at all.”

The little curve of a smile on his lips was one of the real ones. “You’re right,” he mused. “Blackmail is as useful as it is dull.” He leaned close, breath tickling my ear. “I prefer you crying and fighting the whole way.”

I bit my lip, fighting to hold my ground as he drew back, analysing my reaction. “The night in the maze made that clear,” I said evenly.

An edge of lust seeped into the twilight grass that was drowning me. “Are you sure you could handle what would have happened if Ihadwon that night?”

I shivered, eyes locked with roiling storm clouds.

Before I could answer, the magic shattered with a louder bang on the door.

“We need you ready!”Someone shouted.

Ebony grinned, then he turned and he was gone.