Be the alpha who wouldn’t run from this.

I felt the shift the moment it happened, the feral side of me smothering what had been the shell that kept me alive for the last few years. I gave in to that shift, allowing it to sweep me away. And it was then that I knew what I’d lost.

I’d forgotten how to be me. Until her, I’d forgotten the energy and passion. The fierce need to fight, to protect, to love.

And she was giving it back, demanding I show her exactly how I saw her—to learn everything that made her feel beautiful, and gift it to her a million times over.


Drake knelt before me, dragging my hips to the edge of the daybed.

He’d taken me up on my offer, but I had seen his nerves all the same. It was the unexpected he was unsure of, and I didn’t want to risk touching him when he wasn’t ready. So, upon my request (which was not entirely driven by selflessness), his belt now strapped my wrists together behind me, leaving me at his mercy.

Drake, it turned out, didn’thavemuch mercy when it came to things such as this.

He pressed me back so I was laying against the daybed cushions, still able to see him. Then he tugged my shorts and panties down, leaving me exposed. He left me like that for a moment, still kneeling before me, palms cupping my hips and eyes roaming my body inch by inch. I was still wearing a t-shirt from bed, but it was halfway up my stomach, and his pupils dilated as his gaze traced my nipples, which were solidly giving away my lust.

He gently pressed his lips to my inner thigh, midnight black waves tickling me as his teeth grazed my skin. My breathing hitched and I couldn’t help wriggling slightly as he drew back, feeling the faintest touch of his breath along my soaked entrance.

It was thrilling that we were still on the roof with the blue sky stretching above. Anyone could walk out here and find us. A part of me wanted that. For Rook, or Love, or Ebony to see Drake claim me.

I let out a moan of pleasure, biting my lip as his touch found my clit. I couldn’t look anywhere but at his starving gaze that caught every reaction to what he was doing to me. I realised I didn’t remember the last time I’d been touched like this. So many dates in a past much too distant all blurred together.

Never, I realised.

Never had I been touched likethis.

With the care and reverence in his violet irises as he watched me with wonder, discovering just how much I needed him.

He drew away, and I let out another desperate little noise, but his arm circled my hips and he pinned me down by the stomach. He looked delighted at my snarl.

“Fuck…” I tried, again, to fight his grip, needing more.

No one warned me how different it would be with a mate. My heart was slamming into my ribs, every inch of my skin on fire, desperate for more.

“Drake…” I moaned.

With that stunning smile, he worked his finger into me slowly before he lowered his mouth onto my centre, finding my clit with his tongue.

I moaned again, tugging against the restraints and the arm clamped over my stomach, but both were unrelenting as he picked up his pace.

I was so hot for him, and now mentally scrambling to make sure I’d taken enough scent blockers for this. I had, of course. I was safe. He’d feel my wetness, but there would be none of my omega scent or slick.

My breath caught as he sped up just enough to have me shaking, then slowed again. He lifted his mouth from me, adding a second finger, a smile curving his lips as I tried, once more, to arch against him. “I could watch you riding me like this all day,” he breathed. “You’re so fucking perfect, Vex.”

A swarm of butterflies rose in my stomach at those words, colliding with the rising tide of heat threatening ecstasy at any moment. I barely stifled a needy whine, desperate not to betooomega in case it gave me away.

Dark thoughts tumbled in at that instinct—of my commands, of Alastor, of the alphas lurking at the other end of the—


The bond.

I had to shut it.

Theywouldn’thave this—not one single part of what was between me and Drake.

And then I cursed myself for thinking of them right now—