Before arrival, the pack will have been assessed by The Sweetheart Agency for eligibility. A Sweetheart’s duty is to adapt to the needs of the pack she or he is assigned. A package will be received on signing with all relevant information of the alphas in question.
I looked through the pages and pages of reporting. My eyes scanned the self assessment sheets with boxes that each of them had checked off, lingering on the most interesting parts:
Ruts: 1-3 times a year
Outlets: reading
Rut Management strategy: medication
Mood swings: infrequent
Violence and aggression: infrequent
Ruts: 1-3 times a year.
Outlets: job, walks, and hobbies such as music and movies.
Rut management strategy: medication
Mood swings: infrequent
Violence and aggression: none reported.
Ruts: infrequent, none on record.
Outlets: workouts, sexual excursions (casual), work.
Mood swings: frequent
Disruptive behaviour enough to cause setbacks on self set goals: very frequent
Violence and aggression: frequent
Ruts: five + times a year.
Outlets: workouts and job.
Rut management strategy: medication
Mood swings: none
Disruptive behaviour enough to cause setbacks on self set goals: frequent
Violence and aggression: none
My eyes scanned the pages further until I found the final summary from the examiner.
Highly unstable with the potential for violence. In need of balancing and currently on an unsustainable trajectory without intervention. Professional recommendations: Experienced Sweetheart or omega.
Writer noted unreliable self reporting with significant differences between self qualifications versus statements made by pack mates. It’s clear that these alphas need balancing on both an individual and pack level. For those in a bond, they are isolated, which likely further contributes to individual imbalance.