I stifled my choked sob. “I think… s-so.”
Again, I felt another flare of fury through the bond, and his next words were low. “You’re going to find him today Vex, and you’re going to do whatever it takes to get him to accept your apology.”
I opened my door at noon to find Vex waiting outside.
“What do you want?” I asked. It was a real fucking sin she was psycho, because I really couldn’t help taking an eyeful every goddamned time I saw her.
“I came to apologise, and then ask what…” She trailed off, taking a breath, those pretty chocolate eyes holding mine. “What I could do to make it up to you?”
I felt the smile on my face.
And there it was: proof I’d been right. She was exactly what I’d accused her of the other night when she was pretending to be all high and mighty.
“Is that right?” I asked. I leaned against the doorframe, crossing my arms. I had been about to laugh and tell her not a chance. It’s what I’d do with any other Sweetheart who came knocking like this—and they had. But the little spark of hatred in her eyes when she saw my expression halted me. It was oddly unexpected.
If she was a doting Sweetheart willing to simper to get a signature, that made sense. If she’d seen what we were like and packed her bags already, that would, too.
But she was neither simpering, nor gone. And sheclearlydidn’t like me one bit. Yet, here she was.
Strangely, that was refreshing, and I found myself wanting that furious gaze on me just a little longer.
“Ebony hates you, Drake pities you, and Love sent you packing. So now you’re here, tail between your legs, begging me for a chance?” I asked.
It was quite beautiful, watching her fight to trap her retort behind gritted teeth. It was all she could manage to nod.
“I’ll think about it,” I said. She swallowed, searching my gaze for a hint. “What did you do for Love last night?” I asked.
“I… can’t tell you that. You know it’s part of the job, the contract—”
“It’s a tainted contract or no contract, baby girl, so you better spill.”
She stared at me, clearly trying to find a way around that. Finally, with a little glance behind her, she said, “I… dressed nice and told him he could pick what we did.”
My blood heated at the thought of it, another smile creeping onto my face.
“I want that. Come back at six.” I needed time to think abouthowI was going to make her dance for me. “If it goes well, I’ll hear your apology.”
Would I sign her in?
Not a fucking chance, not now she was back to making good old gold-digging sense. But I’d get my revenge before I sent her on her way.
I rifled through the stupid golden lingerie to find something more covering. I’d take a babydoll at this point.Anythingthat didn’t collectively have less fabric than the average fucking headband.
I swore as I sank down beside the huge open suitcase, glaring at the mess I’d made. I began grabbing the scattered pieces of lace, furiously tossing them back in.
Fuck this stupid dark bond.
One piece got caught on the suitcase wheel.
AndfuckRook for being such an arrogant—It wouldn’t come free—fucking—I ripped at it with a scream—prick!