Page 162 of Sweetheart: Part One

“I uh…” She blushed bright pink, biting her lip. “Okay so Kleo and Vishnu Victor uploaded a reel where they kissed back here. And then they left a penny on the back of that speaker.”

I snorted, looking up at the little ridge at the top of the speakers that backed onto the little space.

“You want the penny,” I said.

“I want the penny,” she whispered, wringing her hands. “It was posted on their personal account, and there’s less followers on that one, so I’m thinking… maybe no one’s got it yet.”

I grinned, taking her by the hand and dragging her over to the speaker she’d pointed to. And that was how I ended up with Vex on my shoulders, reaching up to the ridge high above us.

“On your toes,” she hissed. “Oh—I’m so close!”

I chuckled, trying to lift her as high as I could. I heard her cute little strained sounds, and then a squeal of delight that she quickly smothered as if knowing she might be heard from the other side.

When I dropped her down her eyes were wide, an old penny clutched in her fingers. “I got it!!!” Her eyes glittered with delight, a massive grin on her face, then she was tucking it into her purse, turning back to me. “Thank you—”

I cut her off, taking her face in my hands and pressing a kiss to her lips.

I’d never met anyone in the world that could make me feel so safe. All my fears were gone, Zeus Rogan and his stupid fucking pack, obliterated from my mind in a way he never had been.

I broke the kiss, and her cheeks were flushed, her eyes on me with blown pupils as if we’d both felt the shift.

“Fuck, Drake,” she breathed. “I… I love you.”

My heart soared at those words, my breathing was suddenly short. She knew I loved her—she’d heard it before, and I needed more with her than just this. I needed more than a contract.

She was different.

“Vex…” But how to put it to words? What would I even ask? “I…”

I trailed off as her eyes darted to the side all of a sudden, brows drawn, something unsettled crossing her face. I turned on instinct, following her gaze, and the moment shattered into a million pieces.

Zeus was leaning against the wall by the corner, phone in hand, holding it up as if snapping a photo.

There was a long moment of absolute stillness as we stared at one another. Then he dropped his phone, tucked it into his pocket, and turned away, disappearing around the corner.

“What… was that?” Vex asked.

I couldn’t answer.

It was one thing, meeting him like this—running from him like the coward I was. But now… she was involved.

I couldn’t…



“Drake…?” Her voice was almost enough to drag me back to reality. I’d taken a few steps back, toward the corner from which my monster had just vanished around.

There was no running from this.

He would never have her.



I’d never seen Drake so upset.