Page 156 of Sweetheart: Part One

He was enough.

But before we left the limo, I alsomayhave loaded the video up on a text and sent it to ‘Stale Cigs’ with a middle finger.



It was different, this time, being in front of all the cameras. I was with the whole pack, and Ebony aside, it was the first time I’d truly seen them all in public.

It was Love who offered his hand to help me from the limo, and I took it, knowing mine was clammy.

“Do you mind if I escort you?” he asked. I nodded without really thinking about it, heart already in my throat.

Outside, there were shouts and screams and a huge hustle and bustle up the steps ahead. There were barriers, security, and a mass of fans piling against it. I had to get a hold of myself.

I looked up at Love, who was still holding me protectively. I wished I had his scent—all of their scents would calm me right now. He was so close, and I made myself focus on him to keep myself grounded. On the sharp line of his pale jaw, the loose braid of black hair resting over his shoulder, the flash of his chest through the few top buttons of his shirt that were left undone.

His arm slipped around my waist, and then Drake was on my other side, hand in mine. For the briefest flash, everything was going to be okay.

Still, the cameras were clicking and I was finding it hard to comprehend properly what was going on. There was security around, but we stopped a few times as we made our way up the steps so they could do some signatures for fans. I jumped as I heard my name a few times between the screams and shouts.

I wondered then, why Love had offered to be my escort, I’d thought he would happily let Drake do it. Was he… making a statement forme? I was the Crimson Fury pack Sweetheart, seen, not just with the whole pack, but with the pack lead.

At the entrance, another pack stopped us, and then I was shaking hands with a smiling omega. Ebony’s smile and charming mannerisms were back. Love wasn’t too different, though a little more animated than his usual self, and Rook was full of energy, doing more signings for the fans than the others, easily laughing in a back and forth with one.

Drake held a perfectly smooth smile that looked much too rigid to me. He signed one or two things, and I felt his hand squeeze mine tighter a few times, to comfort me, or for his own nerves, I wasn’t sure.

Still, the cameras were clicking.

We stood before a branded backdrop where we were shouted instructions for photos, and I held myself as best I could, glad I could easily lean on Love in case I was no good at this.

Once we were in and past the cameras, things started to settle down.

There was the main event we attended first, with performances and dancers, then we were ushered into a closed off venue while a few scheduled events took place. Later would be the awards—one Rook was set to receive—but until then, I was seated in a VIP booth in a room full of celebrities.

For a short time, I was swept away by the magic of it all, Ebony’s threat fading to the background. While the Crimson Fury pack had been one of my favourite celebrity packs, I’d kept up with pop culture before I’d been taken. Following celebrities had been one of my pastimes.

We settled into their pack booth in the spacious after-party room with a table of drinks and snacks. To my relief there was no press back here.

The sound of chatting was a low buzz in the air. Some of the packs or celebrities remained in their seats, while others were out and about, mingling and chatting.

My pack seemed content to relax in the booth, though Rook dropped out a few times to talk with others.

Drake’s arm was around me, and he looked amused at my wide-eyed expression and impulsive little gasps reserved for a particularly loved celebrity or pack.

The Rose Vice pack, always starring in my favourite Rom Coms.

Varkiller Emerald pack, who were in most of my top adventure movies.

The Hawk Hunters, who were legendary in the super hero movies they produced, and a staple of mine growing up.

I almost squealed when I spotted Prey Nightingale weaving through the throng. Drake had to catch me from tumbling out of the booth entirely as I jumped to my feet to get a better look.

PreyfuckingNightingale: one of the only lone female alpha to stake a name in the industry. And boy had that namestuck.

She was an idol.

There was another woman with her though, arm in hers, dragging her to the long table full of food. She had long chestnut hair flowing behind her.