Page 151 of Sweetheart: Part One

That drew every thought to a screeching halt, and my gaze snapped to him in horror.

Tremors wracked my whole body as he stared at me through those voids in his mask. Despite the command, his gaze hadn’t slid to my bare legs once. “They won’t touch you because I’ve told them they can’t.”

“Why?” I asked. “Have you…?” The words died in my mouth and I had to try again. “Why have you told them they can’t touch me?”

“You tell me. There are mere weeks until you enrol with the Crimson Fury pack as a sweetheart. If I removed the ban today, do you think you would be capable of performing for your mates?”

It was all I could do to shake my head.

“No. Because you’d be broken. That doesn’t make for a good puppet, does it?”

The rest of the threat lingered between us, unspoken.

I couldn’t fail.

On the other end of that, there was no reason for him to rein in the pack.

“So…” He reached out and took me by the neck, dragging me toward him. He ignored my fingers, trying to break the grip, instead squeezing just enough to get a panicked whimper from my chest. “Instead of torturing yourself fighting me, why don’t you act a little more grateful, since we both want the same thing?”

I shut my eyes, more tears leaking out.

“Yes?” he pushed, shaking me slightly.

I nodded hatefully, needing him to let me go.

He released my neck, but sat up so his mask was inches from my face. He twirled a strand of my faded peach hair in a finger.

“So, next time I come in with hair dye—”

“Sunset paradise.” I cut him off with boldness I wasn’t feeling.

“What?” he asked.

I cringed at the harsh tone. “S-sunset paradise,” I said again. “That’s the colour for the Bright Waves hair dye. A-and I’ll need extra conditioner.” I couldn’t look at him. Instead, my eyes were darting desperately to the wall behind him as I forced the words out. “I kn-know how to get attention, b-but…” I swallowed, tears burning my eyes again. “The colour is too f-faded.” It was almost white, it was so faint. That wasn’t right. I kept it up religiously, but I hadn’t been in my apartment for… I don’t know how long. Months? The only measure of time I’d had was the slowly fading peach from my hair.

And I was out of measurements. For a long time it had been as dull and lifeless as I felt.

“I have to do it up. Guys… Th-they love it. My mates w-will love it.”

Alastor sighed. “You’re a real brat, you know that, Vex?”

I didn’t say anything, staring at him and praying he would show me this one ounce of mercy.

“You know what? Fine. I’ll trust you.” He sighed. Hope burst in my chest, as bright as it was brief for the words that followed.“But the colour, I’ve taken to it. I want you in it whenever I visit.”


“If you know you’re going to see me, I want this red lace. Just for me. Do you understand?”

I nodded, numb with terror at what that might mean.

“Good.” He let me go and got to his feet.

He strode across the room, but right as he reached the door, I found my voice. “I want my clothes and my makeup, too.”

He stopped, fist on the doorknob as he turned back to me.“That’swhat you’re worried about?”

I held my ground. “You want me to seduce them? L-let me be the mate the universe ch-chose.”