Was that a lie?
She’d caused a stir, and sheshouldleave.
She wasn’t a bad Sweetheart, she was just… different. I should tell her that. “Ebony’s never wanted a Sweetheart gone, and I’ve never—” I cut off abruptly, frowning as I realised what I’d been about to say.
I’ve never wanted one to stay.
I’d never wantedanyoneto stay. It was a struggle enough, having Rob live downstairs. He wasn’t pack. Though to his credit, he remained almost completely unseen, and there were times I forgot he existed at all.
Her brows bunched as she tried to work out what I’d been about to say.
“I’ve never, uh… seen him like that,” I finished weakly.
She shrunk at my words, something crumpling in her expression.
Because I’d reminded her of Ebony? Or because she’d hoped maybe I was going to tell her I wanted her to stay?
She couldn’t stay.
Our pack was a mess, and not even Love could control Ebony.
At my side, she shrunk further, and I realised there was a tense expression on my face. I fixed it, not wanting her to think it was because of her.
“What happened before we arrived?” I asked. Ebony had been rounding on her when we’d entered.
She set the water down on the bedside table, and I noticed the tremor in her hand.
“Um…” She fiddled absently with the wrapper, not meeting my eyes. “I told him his name was stupid.”
I snorted. I couldn’t help it, and she shot daggers at me.
“He told me mine was stupid first,” she said.
I tried and failed to straighten my face.
“Your name is cool,” I said.
Finally, a bright smile tugged at her lips, and with it butterflies scattered in my stomach. “You feeling better?” I asked.
She nodded, but she was still distant, I could see that.
“I’ll give you some space, but I’ll be out in the lounge—it’s just down the hall to the right. To the left, that’s my room, and anything down the hall opposite, that’s Ebony’s territory. Don’t go near it—and it’s not just you. He doesn’t let anyone in.” I said. “But otherwise, take as much time as you need.”
She nodded, and her lack of argument told me I was right in giving her space. I’d want it if I was her.
I stood to leave, then paused. “Vex,” I said, heart in my throat.
She glanced up at me. What I was going to ask of her made my inner alpha kick back in rage. “Please…” I forced the scowl from my face. “Please don’t stay.”
Drake left me to a pretty major mental breakdown.
The room around me was as beautiful as the rest of the mansion, a foreign extravagance. It was a huge space with neutrals, creams and gold. In the middle of the wall was a tall window overlooking the gardens beyond, framed by thick beige curtains currently swept to the sides. There was a sprawling set of couches, a fireplace, and a huge TV mounted to the wall. The bed was pack-sized, which was the largest commercially available, and in any other time, that might have soothed the omega side of me.
My makeup was a mess, it had to be.