“I never dreamed you’d come across it before I got home and could show it to you and explain, in one go.”
Her head tilted slightly. “Home?”
“Home. Chicago was noisy and busy and lonely all at the same time, so unlike the ranch. I thought I wanted to return to the city, but Sweet River has kind of grown on me. I just want to be where you are, whether that’s here or Chicago or Timbuktu. But, sweetheart? I honestly hope it’s here.”
“You mean that?”
Was it his imagination, or had her features softened? “I absolutely do. We need to talk about whether to build a house up at the ranch or closer to town. Whatever you want. I love you, and I want you to be happy. What do you think? I’ll need to ask Grandfather for a plot up there before we can move ahead if that’s your choice, but I can’t see why he’d balk.”
“Won’t he want you back in Chicago once the ranch is running smoothly?”
Tate grinned. “Seriously? I think he’ll be perfectly happy to have someone he trusts living onsite. It’s not like I can’t be part of the bigger picture for Sullivan Enterprises via the internet. I can fly in for board meetings like I did from Gilead this winter.”
“But… aren’t you being groomed to take over the whole business?”
He shrugged. “That was always Wally’s thing, and Grandfather hasn’t officially settled on another one of us. Besides, Dad and Uncle Theodore aren’t ready to retire any time soon. That decision might not come for another ten years. Maybe more.”
“You mean it.”
Now her tone was filled with wonder, and the emotion of passing this hurdle choked Tate’s throat. He pulled his wife into his arms, and this time she came willingly. When he could speak again, he rested his forehead against hers. “Sweetheart, I love you. I promise you that will never change. We’re partners, remember? We’ll do this thing together. For always.”
Stephanie blinked tears away. “I love you, too.” Then she stretched to meet his lips, and he lost himself in their kiss.
“Mrs. Sullivan?”
She pulled back and looked at the nurse who stood a few feet away. “Yes?”
“The surgeon would like to speak with you and your father.”
And Tate wasn’t going anywhere. He was here for her, no matter what.
Chapter Twenty-Four
Stephanie gripped Tate’s hand as they followed the nurse back to the small waiting room. Dad stood as they entered, his gaze locking directly onto their joined hands.
What was he thinking? Had he really tried to split up his daughter’s marriage? It was impossible to tell. Also, it hadn’t worked. Tate had told her the truth. She was certain of it. Certain of his love and commitment.
The surgeon bustled into the room, allowing his mask to drop around his neck instead of his face. “Arlys Simpson’s family?”
“Yes.” Dad cleared his throat. “How is she?”
“She’s in recovery, looking good. I believe we got the entire tumor. It hadn’t embedded as much into the kidney as I’d feared. We’ll send samples to the lab for testing, and we’ll let you know the results as soon as we have them, probably a week or so. Meanwhile, we’d like to keep Arlys overnight for observation, but I see no reason she shouldn’t be able to go home tomorrow, so long as there’s someone there to serve at her beck and call.”
“I can,” Stephanie said, just as her father said the same. They stared at each other.
Dad deflated. “I’ve got it, honey. Your place is back at the ranch with your husband.”
“You’re sure?” She wasn’t certain which question she was asking. If he could manage Mom, or if he was happy she and Tate were okay.
“Yes. Melanie McDiarmid said she’d arrange a meal train for the next few days. I just need… I just need some time with your mother. And maybe some time with God.”
Stephanie threw herself in her father’s arms, nearly knocking him off balance before he recovered and hugged her back. “I love you, Daddy.”
She pulled back and looked in his eyes. “Say the words. You can do it.”
He managed a tiny smile. “I love you, Stephanie. You take that little boy and go home with your husband. I’ll go sit with your mother until they kick me out tonight.”