“He is.” Tate cut a corner of his pork chop. “Mmm, this is really good, sweetie. We’ll have to eat in more often.”

“I’d like that.” She hesitated. Did she dare say something again about his frequent evening meetings? No, she’d keep the peace for now.

“Grandfather had an idea today.”

Uh oh. Tate’s voice sounded so bland that it sent her spidey senses on alert. “Oh? What kind of idea?” And why was she sure she wouldn’t like it?

“He’s working on a takeover with Cassel Hotels in Chicago, and needs me to do some final in-person negotiations. He suggested you and Jamie might enjoy a trip to the city. Plus, there’s a gala on the Fourth that I’d love to attend with you. What do you think?”

“Think about… a city getaway?”

“Right!” His voice brightened. “That’s what it would be. I’ll line up a sitter for Jamie the night of the gala. I attended a men’s group at church, and some of those guys have teens. It shouldn’t take long to find someone responsible.”

“How many days?”

“Well, we have tickets on the Friday afternoon flight—”

“Pardon me? I thought you were asking.”

He sighed and met her gaze fleetingly. “I told him I’d ask you, and then he forwarded the email with the tickets he’d already bought. He said most flights were already full, and he didn’t want to risk us being unable to go.”

“I see.” She pressed her lips into a tight line. Always with Walter Sullivan assuming he knew best for everyone in his family.

“We fly back the following Friday. So, we’ll be gone a week. Technically, the better part of eight days, I guess.”

Stephanie tried to shove her annoyance down, out of the way. She was curious about his life in Chicago, sure, but that didn’t mean she wanted to be told — by his grandfather, no less — when and how she was going to visit for the first time.

“I’ll contact my housekeeping service to make sure the condo is freshened by Friday afternoon. They can buy a crib and have it set up for Jamie, as well.”

She blinked. Right. They wouldn’t need to book a hotel. They’d be staying in Tate’s home. Technically, legally, hers, too. She took a deep breath. “Okay.”

Tate’s gaze latched onto hers. “Okay? Really?” Hope lifted his tone.

“Sure. Why not? It’s only Tuesday, so I have a few days to get ready.”

“The gala is on the Fourth, so you’ll have a couple of days to shop for a gown. I’m sure Aunt Bridget would be happy to accompany you.”

Right. Not happening. That was a woman who analyzed Stephanie as though the upstart was there only for the Sullivan money. “I’m sure she’s busy. I can manage without her.”

It was on the tip of Stephanie’s tongue to ask if Tate knew someone closer to her own age to shop with, but did she really want to know? Because he had no female cousins, so any women he knew… best not to go there.

An idea assaulted her. “Harper! I’ll see if she can take a day to shop in Missoula tomorrow or Thursday. She’s used to going to fancy parties like that, and I’m sure she’d love to help.”

Tate’s face cleared. “She’d be a great asset, I’m sure. Just google images of the event from previous years to get an idea of what you’re looking for.”

She raised her eyebrows at him. “And what will you be wearing?”

“A tux. Mine is in my closet at the penthouse.”

Of course, he had his own tuxedo. Of course, it was in his penthouse. Sometimes, looking around this regular staff-housing unit made her forget the guy was practically made of dollar bills. How on earth could she fit into his world?

She would fit in. She loved Tate, and he loved her. She was totally going to win at being the bride he’d be proud to introduce to everyone he knew.

Chapter Twenty-One

A quick communique with staff at the Sullivan headquarters in Chicago, and Tate felt like everything would be ready for their arrival on Friday. Crib and supplies for Jamie? Check. Tuxedo sent for dry cleaning and returned? Check. Basic groceries and kid-friendly snacks? Check. Car to meet them at the airport? Check.

With the details in the hands of Grandfather’s able assistant, Tammy, Tate returned his focus to the day-to-day operations at Sweet River. What could he do in these two days to make things smoother while he was off the ranch?