Grandfather and Graham exchanged a look. “Housekeeping,” Graham said.

Tate’s euphoria dimmed. “I’m not needed for that. You can handle it, right?”

“You might need to put off your date until tomorrow.” Grandfather settled into his chair at the head of the table.

Tate rested his fists on his hips. “No, I need tonight. We’ve been in this room or the conference room four of the past five evenings.” By his reckoning, he’d put in over sixty-five hours this week, and it was Saturday, for crying out loud.

“Tate, you know—”

“No. I don’t know. I know that my upcoming marriage is more important to me than being the perfect boss. The staff can come find me Monday to Saturday from nine to five. I’ll give you one evening a week, but not tonight. The ranch has already claimed more than its share this week.”

Grandfather rose, staring Tate down. “We signed onto this.”

“You signed on and told the rest of us what to do. We’re not just your… your minions. We have lives, too.” Tate glanced at Graham, who sat with his mouth agape and his eyes wide. “Even Graham has a life. Right, cuz?”

Graham shook his head.

Well, Tate had tried. He stood and stared his grandfather down, unsure which of them was going to win. Not true. He was going to win, at least insomuch that he had a date this evening. After whatever had happened at lunch, he didn’t dare fail.

Besides, wasn’t this what had happened to Dad and Mom? Grandfather had demanded more and more time at the office until their marriage had been irreconcilable. Mom had taken the boys and moved back to small-town Kansas. Dad had embraced the rat-race. Eventually, the company had lured all four of their sons back to Chicago.

Wally and Ashley’s marriage had already suffered from the demands of Sullivan Enterprises. They’d needed that marriage enrichment retreat. So had Ashley’s sister and brother-in-law. But the two couples had never returned, and now Tate was all little Jamie had. Tate and Stephanie. And he was going to guard his shortcut family with everything he had.

Slowly, Grandfather sank back into his chair, looking every minute of his eighty years. He rubbed his temples then looked between Tate and Graham. “Everything I do, I do it for you. For you and your generation. For Jamie.”

This was a new side, and Tate wasn’t sure how to respond. A quick glance at his cousin wasn’t helpful. “We’re grateful, sir. We are. But give us room to breathe.”

The nod was nearly imperceptible.

Chapter Fifteen

This was more like it. Stephanie clung to Tate’s hand as they ambled down the lakeshore. They’d left Nadine ensconced at the kitchen table, ordering next week’s food service delivery on her laptop. Better Tate’s aunt than one of the twenty-something women that were now temp employees for Sweet River Ranch.

Ugh. Why couldn’t she relax? Why was she so worried about Tate? He really hadn’t done anything wrong in the lunch line. He hadn’t touched Heather or looked at her with anything but friendship on his face.

Eli had been faithful to Stephanie, too. Until he hadn’t been.

Right. She understood that Eli hadn’t been two-timing her. She understood that he had truly wanted to fall in love with her. But… was she so unlovable that she couldn’t hold a man’s attention?

What if Tate…

He slipped his arm around her waist as they strolled. “Penny for your thoughts?”

Stephanie hooked her thumb in the belt loop of his shorts. “Oh, I doubt they’re worth even that much.”

“Not true. They’re valuable.”

Her eyebrows shot up, not that he could see them from beside her. “How do you figure that?”

“Because you’re priceless, and they’re part of you.”

So matter-of-fact. The guy was good. “Thanks. No second thoughts?” Stephanie bit her lip. Good grief. Was she trying to push him away? Of course not. Just giving him a chance to run before things were legal. Disentanglement would be messier later.

Oh, man. What would her parents say after a divorce? Dad would sadly shake his head, knowing he’d been right that she was flawed. She’d have to move away, find a job elsewhere.

“Stephanie.” Tate’s breath caressed her cheek.

She turned toward him and captured his lips with hers. Delicious. No guy could be dreaming of escape and still kiss like this. Right? She hadn’t trapped him. Their meeting had been complete happenstance. Her bond with Jamie unplanned and instantaneous. Tate’s need of a nanny unforeseen.