Tate needed to walk a fine line until that time came. Surely, he could please his wife and his boss at the same time.
And maybe Grandfather was right. Maybe Stephanie would love a trip to Chicago. He wouldn’t know until he asked her.
* * *
Stephanie stared at her phone. She’d texted Tate over an hour ago, and he hadn’t responded. Which probably meant he was in meetings.
She’d taken a chance that his answer would be yes, and she’d made dinner. He’d see the text before looking for her and Jamie in the dining room, right? She could only hope.
The potatoes were mashed and hopefully staying warm. The pork chops were browned. She’d dump mushroom soup over them the minute Tate walked in the door. Green beans were ready to sauté.
Jamie tugged at her shorts. “Mama?”
She picked him up and snuggled him, but he squirmed and pointed at the food. Poor kid wasn’t used to smelling cooking food and having to wait. Usually they walked into the dining room and were eating in mere minutes.
“Okay, baby. I’ll finish getting food ready. Daddy should be here any minute.” And if he wasn’t, she and Jamie would enjoy a delicious hot meal, and Tate would get his reheated.
Unless he’d eaten in the dining room. But he didn’t have a meeting tonight, did he? She’d checked their shared calendar app before texting him her plans.
“You play for a few more minutes, all right, Jamie?” She tried setting him on the floor, but he kicked at her, tears welling in his eyes. “Okay, into the high chair you go.”
She set a raw green bean on his tray and hurried to finish cooking, one eye on the clock.
Tate was late, but was that anything unusual? Sadly, no. She’d dreamed of a man who couldn’t wait to come home every night. Tate said the right words, but his actions weren’t always in line. She was tough. She could handle it. She didn’t deserve more than that, anyway.
Her cell chimed with an incoming text.
On my way.
Whew. Worst-case scenario averted. She grinned at Jamie as she plopped a little mashed potato on his tray and handed him a spoon. “Daddy’s coming!”
“Dada.” Jamie nodded and smeared the potatoes with the spoon.
Stephanie roughed up the little guy’s hair then turned back to the stove. Just when she declared the mushroom sauce and beans ready, she heard Tate at the door.
She turned off the burners, looked over, and smiled. Full points for a good wife. She had dinner on the table, the baby was happy, and she was smiling.
“Hey, sweetheart.” Tate crossed the space in just a few strides, pulled her into his arms, and kissed her thoroughly. “That smells amazing. A night in sounds absolutely perfect.”
Yep, happy husband. Check.
“Hey, shorty.” Tate crouched by the high chair. “Were you a good boy for Mama today?”
He straightened. “Can I help?”
“I’ve got it. Just have a seat at the table.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Tate winked at her and patted Jamie’s head. “That’s what you say to Mama, shorty. Yes, ma’am.”
Aw, he was so adorable. Stephanie plated the food in record time then added a bit more to Jamie’s tray before taking a seat across from Tate. When he held out his hand for hers across the table, she took it, reveling in his warm grip.
“Thank You, Lord, for today. Thank you for my wife and my… son.” Tate swallowed hard then continued. “I pray that You would bless this food and our evening together. In Jesus’s name, amen.”
“’Men!” Jamie declared.
Stephanie chuckled. “He’s adding new words nearly every day, it seems like. He’s such a smart little cookie.”