“Really. Maybe we can shop for a ring this afternoon before heading back to Sweet River.”

Stephanie squealed and threw her arms around his neck. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” And, as unorthodox as all this was, he meant it. This odd day had shortcutted the process of dating, much like Wally’s and Ashley’s deaths had launched him to fatherhood in the blink of an eye. Yes, he’d had a choice with Jamie, but had he really? And yes, he could have denied Stephanie today in front of her father and his mother, but could he really have done that to her?

He couldn’t have. He didn’t want to. As irregular as this engagement had come to be, Tate had no regrets.

Surprise? Yes, undoubtedly. But no remorse.

Chapter Twelve

“I’m so happy for you!” Harper squealed as she wrapped her arms around Stephanie. “I can’t believe it!”

“Me, neither.” The princess-cut diamond surrounded by half a dozen smaller diamonds was more ring than Stephanie had ever imagined wearing.

“Are you sure?” Harper leaned back and searched Stephanie’s eyes. “You haven’t known him all that long.”

“I’m sure.” She was, wasn’t she? When she was with Tate, certainty was absolute. When they were apart, doubts tried to crowd in. Or was it reality? Because fact stared her in the face, and the timeline was a bit of a blur.

“When’s the big day?”

“We haven’t decided. We want both his parents to be present, of course, but Maribel flew back to Kansas yesterday, and James will be tied up in the Chicago office for a few weeks.”

Harper’s eyes widened. “You make it sound like you might just get married next month or something.”

“Now there’s an idea!”

“No way. Just because Noah and Taryn eloped doesn’t mean it’s a good idea for most people. They had extenuating circumstances. They…”

Stephanie giggled. “You’re too cute. Didn’t I say we wanted his parents there? I’m pretty sure that disqualifies it as an elopement. But don’t worry. I want you to stand up for me, okay? So, I’ll keep you in the loop.”

“You’re the best.” Harper squeezed her again.

And this was why Stephanie hadn’t been able to hold Eli’s reversal against him. Of course, he loved Harper. How could anyone not? She was sweet and sensitive and forgiving.

“I’m glad you think so. It’s not exactly what my mother had to say when she found out what had gone down.”

“Your parents aren’t happy.”

“Of course, they’re not happy. Tate isn’t a minister or a missionary. He doesn’t teach Sunday school or lead worship.”

“Doesn’t it count that he played Peter in a passion play?”

“It’s the one thing in his favor. That and how he stepped up to care for his nephew.”

“That’s so sweet. I can’t imagine many single men doing that.”

“I know, right? Tate is just the most amazing guy I’ve ever met.”

“And your parents don’t see that?”

“To be fair, they don’t really know him. Dad and Tate met at the job fair for the first time, and then we had dinner with them after church. We had to cut that short because it was nearly Jamie’s nap time.” Stephanie had thought about taking his playpen along, but the excuse to shorten the visit had won out.

“Right. Are you getting married in Creekside Fellowship?” Harper’s eyes widened. “Will you ask Eli to perform the ceremony?”

The irony of that was almost more than Stephanie could bear. The man who’d rejected her could still marry her! And she didn’t even care about him anymore. Not like that, anyway. But then there was the whole premarital counseling thing. No way could she sit through discussions like that with Eli. “There are a lot of details Tate and I need to discuss.”

“Not you and your mom?”