“Cass is going to be late,” she said. “Harry got hurt at work, and she’s making sure he’s all set at home before she comes.”
Sage lifted her head, her eyes growing wide. “Harry got hurt at work?”
“He smashed his thumb with a hammer,” Lauren said. “Went to the ER, but he’s okay. It’s just going to be nasty and bruised for a while.”
“That’s too bad,” Sage said at the same time Bessie did. Joy looked tan and refreshed, and Sage envied her. At the same time, she smiled at her. “You look good, Joy.”
“Beach day,” she said as she rounded the end of the couch and sat down. “You should’ve come.”
“I was cooking,” Sage said. “Maybe next time.”
“We’re going on Sunday,” Bea said. “You and Ty will come, right?” She actually lowered her head and then peered up at Sage through her eyelashes for some reason Sage didn’t understand.
“Yeah,” she said. “I was counting on it.” Since she’d missed the graduation party, she’d been checking and double-checking her calendar every morning. Every night before bed for the next day. “I also have a light Tuesday next week, and I’m thinking of doing some shopping.” She turned away from everyone. “Ty’s birthday is coming up.”
“Ooh, what are you going to get for him?” Lauren asked.
“I think we need to know where she is in her relationship before we can help with a gift,” Bea said. With Cass not there, Bea had to say all the irritating things, and Sage threw her a look.
“I’m ready to talk about this,” she said. “But not until Cass gets here.” She moved into the kitchen. “Come help me warm up the corn.” She opened the oven and took out the sheet tray of fried chicken, which she’d been keeping warm there.
It was good served cold or warm, and once that sat on the stovetop, she turned on the burner beneath the red eye gravy to make sure it was piping hot.
“How are you feeling, Lauren?” Bessie asked.
“Good enough,” she said as she took a barstool. “Cass has been a life-saver with the nursery.”
“I can’t wait to see it,” Joy said. “I also can’t believe June is almost over. Why does summer go so fast?”
“I’m here,” Thelma called, and Bessie’s pulse perked up for a moment. Her sister entered the kitchen still wearing her work clothes, but she looked really happy.
“Ooh, fried chicken,” Thelma said as she took in the activity in the kitchen. “What do you need help with?”
“Nothing,” Sage said. “We’re almost ready.”
“Are you doing the Heritage Festival again this year?” Bea asked Bessie, and she dunked several cobs of corn into the steaming water beside where Sage whisked the gravy.
“I am,” Bessie said. “It’s not a partnering year, but Oliver pulled some magical strings, and we’re sharing a booth space again.”
“Yeah, he put down some cash,” Joy said with a laugh. “Money can move a lot of strings.”
“Yeah.” Bessie smiled, but at least she wasn’t upset about Oliver paying for things this year. Last year, they’d been at such odds.
“You haven’t said anything about your honeymoon,” Sage said, giving Bessie a look.
“I’m waiting too,” she said with a smile. “I can still barely believe I’m married.”
“How’s Wyn doing in the house by herself?” Bea asked.
Sage flipped off the burner and bent to get a gravy boat. She poured the gravy into it while Bessie said, “She’s doing fine there. When she and Douglas get married, they’re going to live there.”
“Is your name still on the mortgage?” Bea asked.
“My word,” Sage muttered under her breath, but thankfully, Bea didn’t hear her. Bessie answered the question, and she didn’t seem irritated by it. Sage wasn’t sure why she was. She loved her Supper Club friends, but the tension inside her felt like it might snap at any moment.
She put the gravy on the table, then plated the fried chicken and added that to the spread. She was taking the potato salad out of the fridge when Cass called, “I’m here.” She came walking into the back of the house wearing an off-white suit that billowed around her arms and legs and looked like it had been hand-sewn for a queen. “I’m so sorry, Sage.”
“It’s fine.” She flashed Cass a smile and stepped over to her. She hugged her as she said, “I’m just barely getting the food out.”