She went through the line right behind Sage, who only half-turned her head toward her and said, “Sorry, Lauren. I can try to steer the conversation toward something else.”
Lauren wanted to share her news. She looked forward to Supper Club every month, as it was something that cleansed her soul and renewed her spirit. “It’s okay,” she murmured. “It’s time I told everyone anyway.” She put a slice of the chicken Alfredo lasagna on her plate, but it didn’t look appetizing at all.
She filled the rest of her plate with salad, hoping she could eat a little bit and push the rest around enough to make everyone think she’d eaten more than she had. Cass ate very little too, and Lauren wished she’d taken half a piece of lasagna.
Conversations had broken out at the table by the time Lauren took her spot between Sage and Joy, and she looked over to Joy. She’d been such an amazing friend over the years too, and Lauren had sold this house to her and Scott so they could have their own little piece of paradise on the island.
“Tell us about the wedding, Bess,” Sage said to the woman on her other side. “Where are you in the planning stages? Is Oliver being his usual grumpy self?”
Bessie beamed with all the power of the sun. “We did the cake sampling a few days ago, and he was on his best behavior.” She laughed lightly as she forked off a corner of her Italian sausage lasagna. “I can’t believe I’m getting married again.”
She paused and stared straight ahead for a moment. “Do any of you feel like that? Like…I don’t know. It’s this big, heavy feeling, and it just sits in my head for a while. I’mgetting married again. It’s like I’m living a completely different life than I had before.”
“That’s because you are,” Bea said gently. She too looked around the table of women. “We all are.”
“I understand this feeling,” Cass said. “After West died, I’d lose hours and even days just sitting and thinking, ‘Myhusband died. Hedied.’ It was like my mind didn’t understand the concept.”
“Yes,” Bessie said. “That’s how I’m feeling.”
No one said anything for a beat, and Lauren took a breath. “I feel like that,” she said. “For a while there, I’d given up on the idea of being a wife. Of ever getting married and having a family.”
Family. She was still learning the meaning of that word, and motherhood? Lauren had no idea how to even start conceptualizing that.
“You guys.” She cleared her throat. “I’m going to have a baby.”
That brought the conversation and the consumption of food to a complete halt. Lauren’s eyes filled and overfilled with tears, and she let them slip down her face. “I’m so scared. I have no idea what to do. Like, I never thought this could be my life. I’mgoing to have a baby.”
“Lauren,” Cass said with plenty of shock in her voice. Thankfully, a healthy dose of celebration mingled with it. “This is the best news ever!” She got up and came around the table to hug Lauren.
“Yes,” Joy said quickly. “Lauren, you’re going to be the best mom in the world.” Her eyes shone with tears too. “When are you due?”
“September,” Lauren whispered. “September tenth.”
“I’m so happy for you,” Bea said, her voice choked. “Being a mom is the best thing in the world. It’s everything I’ve always loved, and you’ll love it too.”
Lauren nodded at her. “Thanks, Bea.”
Sage simply covered Lauren’s hand with hers, and Bessie wept too. “Lauren,” she said. “How exciting! Are Tommy and Blake excited too?”
That was the understatement of the century. She gave a half-laugh and a half-sob. “You should see Blake. We went to the HomeBox the other day, and he has the crib, changing table, and rocking chair picked out for the nursery.”
“I get to be the honorary aunt,” Cass said.
“That’s not fair,” Bessie argued. “You live the furthest from Lauren. I should get to be the honorary aunt.”
“It’s not about how close you live to someone,” Cass said with a hint of disdain in her voice. “Can I please decorate the nursery, Lauren? I’ve been wanting to do a baby’s room. All the Country Club rooms are so…stuffy.”
“Sure,” Lauren said, lifting her napkin to wipe her runny nose. She looked around at everyone. “You’re all my very best friends in the whole world.” She joined her hand with Sage’s on her left and Joy’s on her right. Automatically, they all joined hands, until they were united as one. Six women. Best friends.
“I don’t have much family,” she said, her voice turning tinny and high-pitched. “You’re all I have. And Blake and Tommy, of course. You’ll all be her honorary aunts, okay?”
“Absolutely,” Bea said.
“Yeah,” Joy said.
“I’d love that,” Bessie said.
“Of course,” Sage said.