"Well, there's just one problem with you coming with me," she told him.
"Just one?” he asked, the corner of his mouth curling.
Fair enough.
“The biggest and most immediate,” she amended.
“Hit me," he said.
"I'mflyingthere. On an airplane."
It was clear he instantly registered her return challenge.
Theo Taggart had never flown anywhere.
This would be his first time.
They held each other’s gazes for a long moment. Then he gave her a single nod. “I assume we’re going first-class."
Theo didn’t even excusehimself when he got up from the table and followed Savannah out of the bar.
Her friends had all stayed inside with their guys and this was his chance to talk to her alone.
For the first time in nine weeks.
She stopped.
He really hadn’t been sure she would.
But fuck…they were going on a holiday trip to North Carolina together?
That hadjusthappened, and he still wasn’t totally clear onhowit had happened.
He supposed it was a combination of things. The idea of her being there with another man, for starters. Theo wasn’t going to lie to himself and say that had nothing to do with it.
It was also the fact that he’d missed her for nine weeks now.Missed her. They’d run into each other over the past two months about the same number of times and in the same ways they would have if they’d never had that night together. She hadn’t beengone. She hadn’t been avoiding him, exactly. They’d been in the same places, with the same people, in the same ways they’d always been. But yeah, he’d felt like he missed her.
And then there were the words she’d said to him before she’d put her sweet ass in her hoity-toity car and driven away from him.
You say you don’t want people coming down too deep into the trees with you, but I think it’s that you’re afraid of coming out of those trees for too long.
She’d been in his head.
For nine goddamned weeks.
Not her smile. Not her long legs. Not her tight ass. Not the way she felt underneath him or the way she looked when she came.
No,thosewords, had been rattling around in his brain, taunting him.
Yes, those words were part of why he’d said yes to going to North Carolina with her.
He wanted to show her that he would fucking come out of the trees. For her.
And then there was the other guy. And the fact that he’d missed her.