Page 28 of Deadly Fate

To make space, Kim edged her way around a display cabinet holding coloured stones, to get to the till. A woman appeared from nowhere and Kim realised she’d been sitting down.

‘Emily?’ Kim asked.

The woman nodded and Kim introduced them both. The door closed behind the single customer as she left without a purchase.

‘Gee, thanks, guys, only my third customer of the day.’

‘Sorry about that,’ Bryant said as Kim took a moment to appraise her.

The woman was painfully thin with a pale complexion. It dawned on Kim that the turban she wore wasn’t for fashion purposes, and now she understood what Betts had meant when she’d said that Emily could have been forgiven for wanting to hog the reading and gain insight into future events.

‘Can we talk?’

‘Not sure what I’ve done but I can’t shut the shop. I need all the customers I can get.’

‘No problem.’

‘But you can come back here while I make myself a cuppa.’

They followed her through an arch to a small kitchen and store room from where they could still see the front door.

Emily indicated to them to take the two seats at the table.

They both remained standing.

‘Please,’ she insisted. ‘I try to stand for a little longer every day. Get my strength up.’

They both sat.

‘Anyone want one?’ she asked, holding up a box of lemon tea.

They both shook their heads.

‘Emily, we need to talk to you about the psychic party you attended a few nights ago,’ Kim said.

‘Did we break any laws?’ she asked with a half-smile.

Of all the people they’d told, this was going to be the hardest. Kim really didn’t want to add any more negativity to this woman’s life.

‘I’m sorry to tell you that Sandy was murdered on Sunday night.’

Emily’s mouth fell open. ‘Murdered?’

Kim nodded. ‘We’re speaking to everyone at her last work engagement.’

‘Oh goodness, how awful. Her poor family. Who on earth could have wanted her dead?’

‘That’s what we intend to find out.’

‘You can’t suspect anyone at the party?’

‘No,’ Kim said, holding up her hand. ‘We’re just trying to get a feel for her demeanour, her mood and to find out if anyone saw anything strange.’

‘I came with Rose and left with her. She took me right to my door so I didn’t see Sandy arrive or leave.’

‘Seems a friendly group at this yoga class,’ Kim stated.

‘There are others in the class but we’re the only original members from the start. We call ourselves the OGs. We see each other once a week, sometimes have a coffee afterwards, cos Betts will do anything to string out her one night of freedom. An occasional message or joke through the WhatsApp group. I’ve missed a few sessions during treatment but I’m in remission – again,’ she said, holding up crossed fingers.