Page 129 of Deadly Fate

‘I’m well aware of who Eloise is. I just can’t fathom why you’d want to speak to her.’

‘Is she here?’ Kim asked. If she was, Kim could relax and entertain this woman’s security check. If not, she was running out of time.

The dread filled her stomach as the woman shook her head. At that second, Bryant pulled up behind her.

‘Where is she?’


‘I think she’s in danger,’ Kim said. There was no time to play games.

‘She went home. She got a call. Her neighbour said something about a break-in and…’

Kim heard no more as she turned and opened the car door.

Damn it. She’d thought she was being clever in working out where Eloise might be and she’d been wrong.

She might have just signed Eloise’s death warrant herself.


Stacey felt as though her eyes were bleeding after staring at the screen for what felt like hours.

She was viewing the footage from the camera above the entrance catching the audience members as they left the theatre. She stopped the video every few seconds and searched the faces for any she recognised. The theatre had a 1,200 capacity and the show had been sold out.

Penn had pointed out to her that she’d already struck gold in finding their prime suspect, Monty Dunhill, but that hadn’t been her instruction. She’d been told to look for a woman named Catherine.

She looked again at the picture circled on the wall and imagined her with her hair up or without make-up. It was possible she wasn’t going to look exactly how she did on the WhatsApp group photo.

She moved the cursor so the video let through another batch of people.

This group contained Tiff, who had left the theatre as the boss headed away from the throng of people.

Two frames further and both the boss and Tiff had disappeared from sight.

Stacey frowned at the screen and went back to play it again. Although she’d been distracted by the boss and Tiff, something had caught her eye.

In the top left of the shot was a figure walking with a bent head. She moved forward again to the moment where the boss had disappeared and the bowed head was raised.

Stacey looked at the board and back at the screen.

‘Penn, come here,’ she said.

He came to stand behind her.

‘Is that who I think it is?’ she asked as he too looked at the screen, and then at the board.

He started to nod while his gaze remained fixed on the wall.

His expression was of deep concentration.

She reached across him for her phone. ‘I’d best let the boss—’

‘Two minutes, Stace, just give me two short minutes,’ he said, sprinting out of the room.


Motive. That’s what was causing her problems, Kim realised as Bryant turned the car into Eloise’s street. That was why the needle on the superior psychic wasn’t quite hitting the jackpot.