Page 116 of Deadly Fate

He lowered his hand and disappeared through the door to his left. The one that led backstage.

‘Bastard,’ she muttered under her breath.


Kim and Bryant knocked on the door of Josh Adams’s flat for the second time in two days.

A man that was not Josh Adams threw open the door.

‘For fuck’s sake, it’s still the middle of the bloody—’

Her ID in front of his face shut him up.

‘Not quite, sunshine. I’ve already had two meetings, four coffees and I’m starting to consider what I’d like for lunch.’ She paused. ‘Is your flatmate in?’ she asked, looking around him.

He shrugged and ruffled his dishevelled hair. ‘Dunno, only got in a couple of hours ago,’ he said, taking a step away from the door. ‘Err…do I have to invite you in?’

‘Because you think there’s a legal penalty for leaving us standing out here or because you think we’re vampires?’ Kim asked.

‘Umm…I just…Come in,’ he said, opening a door on his left.

‘Mate, you’ve got…Josh, buddy, are you up, mate?’

Silence met their ears.

The guy leaned in and switched on the light.

‘Oh, sorry, he’s not here.’

‘Can we just take a quick look?’ Bryant asked.

‘I ain’t lying,’ he said, pushing the door open.

Kim stood beside him. The room was neat and tidy with very little evidence of a recent occupant.

‘What’s that?’ Kim asked, taking a step towards the room.

‘Hang on. No, I ain’t that stupid. You ain’t going messing in his room without a search warrant.’

He was right of course, which didn’t improve her mood.

Before she asked him to do so, he entered the room and retrieved the single piece of paper lying on the pillow.

‘Ah, it’s a note, to me,’ he said, starting to read it.

‘Care to share?’ Kim asked, making sure she didn’t cross the threshold into the room.

‘It says, “To Jacko,” that’s me,’ he offered unnecessarily.

Kim nodded that she got that.

‘“Gotta get away for a bit”,’ Jacko continued. ‘“Some past shit coming back to haunt me so just need to clear my head. Rent for the next three weeks is in the tin. I’ll let you know after that.”

‘He’s gone,’ Jacko offered, as though he hadn’t just read the letter out loud.

‘Any idea what he’s talking about?’ Kim asked, matching Jacko for playing it dumb.

‘Dunno, but probably whatever you’re here about,’ Jacko answered, calling her bluff.