Page 105 of Deadly Fate

‘I think you’re exaggerating.’

‘And I think you’re in denial. Father George was quite honest with us about making decisions that conflict with the views of the Church. The man thinks he has a one-way link to God. His views are outdated and, quite frankly, dangerous. You expressed surprise that he could be involved, but if he feels he alone hears God’s instructions, is it really that much of a stretch?’ The more she spoke, the more she saw the bishop’s face harden, and she realised she was doing this all wrong.

She sighed heavily.

‘You know, it’s not beyond the realms of possibility to assume that the Church might automatically adopt a position of defence and deny all knowledge of unacceptable behaviour.’

She didn’t need to state the cases of sexual abuse that had been uncovered in recent years.

‘So talk to us not as a bishop representing the Church of England but as a boss with an uncontrollable employee who can’t keep his hands to himself.’

‘Between us?’ he asked as the tension left the room.

Kim nodded.

‘He’s a liability; to his parish, to the diocese, to the Church. He doesn’t listen. He’s been spoken to on numerous occasions but he treats each church like his own personal kingdom.’

‘He’s had many kingdoms,’ Bryant observed.

‘He has and that’s because no one knows what to do with him.’

‘Is there not some kind of disciplinary system? Like three strikes and you’re out?’ Kim asked.

‘It doesn’t quite work that way. The actual formal complaints over the years don’t number all that many. And none were about violence. All were investigated, and on each occasion, he apologised for his conduct and requested a transfer, to continue improving himself.’

‘He’s dodged the bullet every time?’ Kim asked.

‘Truthfully, yes. But if we’re confident that he understands what he’s done wrong and demonstrates a willingness to improve, we have to have faith in his word.’

‘And how’s that working out for you so far?’ she asked as a sudden thought occurred to her. ‘He requests the transfers?’

The bishop nodded.

‘The misdeeds aren’t carried across to the next diocese?’

He shook his head.

‘So he knows when he’s getting close and moves elsewhere to clear the slate.’

‘Most likely,’ the bishop agreed. ‘But our hands are tied. Formal complaints are not criminal charges. Obviously that’s a whole different subject and classed as intolerable by the Church and—’

‘Hang on,’ Kim said, with her thoughts still hanging on what he’d previously said. ‘If the records aren’t carried forward to the next placement, we’d have to check every one if we were looking for something in particular?’

‘I suppose so,’ Bishop Wilson said.

Given the number of placements and the time needed to visit the appropriate bishop, they were looking at a couple of weeks.

Time they didn’t have. Their killer was showing no signs of slowing down.

‘Bishop Wilson, in your dealings with Father George, have you ever known him to do more than a bit of pushing and shoving?’

The clergyman considered it. ‘No, I haven’t.’

‘Why the hesitation?’ she asked, pushing back her chair.

‘Because, quite honestly, I wouldn’t rule it out.’