Page 90 of Deadly Fate

‘And what colour was it?’


‘Young or old.’

‘Oldish I think.’

‘What makes you think that?’ Kim asked. He hadn’t been able to say either way when questioned ten years ago.

‘Err…I dunno…I think cos when I see it in my mind now there’s some rust around the back doors.’

‘Any letters at all in the registration plate?’

He shook his head.

‘Company name?’


‘Dents or marks?’


‘Bumper stickers?’

‘No. Look, I was a kid. I didn’t even know that the van mattered until I got to school.’

‘Okay, and how did you fix your puncture?’

‘Oh, err…I just blew up the tyre with my pump.’

‘And you remember doing that clearly?’

‘Of course,’ he said, looking anything but sure.

‘Okay, Josh, thanks for your time,’ she said, standing. ‘We may need to speak to you again.’

‘There’s nothing more I can tell you. There’s no point in you coming back.’

‘We’ll be the judge of that,’ Kim said, once they were at the front door.

He closed the door behind them, and Bryant let out a long breath.

‘Jesus, I need a lie-down after that.’

‘The questioning?’ she asked.

‘No, the tension. It was coming off him in waves. He really doesn’t like to talk about it, does he?’

‘Not at all and I can now understand why. He can’t keep his story straight.’

‘Guv, he offered no story at all.’

‘Yeah, but what he did offer has changed. Ten years ago, he was delayed in the woods because his chain came off. Today, he specifically said he got a puncture and he remembered stopping to pump it up.’

‘His very demeanour says he’s lying, guv.’

‘Absolutely, Bryant, but about what?’