Page 67 of Deadly Fate

‘Everyone has a crappy time at the airport when they’re coming home. You had to wait for a taxi, no big deal, but you recalled it as a problem because you were tired, jetlagged, miserable because you were home. But here’s the thing. I was prepared for your answers either way.’

‘I don’t believe that,’ Stacey said, shaking her head.

‘Wanna try it again but with negative responses?’

Stacey nodded.

‘I sense a heart issue with one of your older male relatives.’

‘All healthy.’

He frowned and shook his head. ‘I think they need to go get checked. The sooner the better.’


‘I’m sensing June is important to you.’


‘Aah, wait a minute. Something important is going to happen in June.’


‘Why do I see a pool and water?’

‘No idea.’

Richard raised a hand to his mouth. ‘Oh dear, I may have ruined a surprise. Scrub that. Pretend I never said anything.’

‘Bloody hell,’ Stacey said.

‘I know,’ Bryant answered, having experienced the same thing earlier.

‘I wouldn’t have asked the airport question, obviously, but I’d have substituted it with a Barnum phrase.’

‘What’s a—’

‘I’ll explain later,’ Kim offered.

‘And now I have you back in the room,’ he said, smiling. ‘Or I could have tried what they call a rainbow ruse, which is a statement and its opposite. I sense you’re a very considerate person but just occasionally you have a selfish streak.’

‘Who doesn’t?’ Penn asked.

‘Exactly. A good psychic always has an extensive knowledge of trivia. Most people have a box of old photos, old medicines, toys or books, items of jewellery or war medals. Gender specific, most men have worn a moustache or beard.’

Both Penn and Bryant nodded.

‘Most men over thirty have an old suit that no longer fits. Most women own a piece of clothing never worn. Most women carry photos of loved ones. Most women have long hair as a child then adopt shorter styles. Most women have an odd earring. There are hundreds of these trivial facts that can be adopted to make a connection.’

Kim could see that her whole team was as interested in what he had to say as she was. She hoped the knowledge they were gaining would bring them closer to finding a motive for their killer.

‘Introducing such trivia is especially dramatic in stage shows. Victoria Sykes uses it effectively. I went to see her in Birmingham last year.’

‘Another name from Dunhill’s hit list,’ Kim noted as Stacey frowned and started tapping something into her computer.

‘Oh, you’ve met him,’ Richard said. ‘Pleasant chap.’ The roll of the eyes that accompanied the words told her everything.

‘Your thoughts?’